Josie Collins | Age 14 | Centennial, Colo.
Marcus Hamilton | Age 8 | Auburn, Mass.
Katrina Martin | Age 12 | Ephrata, Pa.
Randon Martin | Age 7 | Ephrata, Pa
Jarstyn Martin | Age 5 | Ephrata, Pa.
Have a budding artist in your family? Share your kids’ or grandkids’ farm-related artwork with the readers of Farm Collector, and we’ll send a T-shirt to those whose work we publish. Send original submissions to Farm Collector, 1503 SW 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609- 1265. Please include the artist’s name, age and hometown and a recent photograph. A release form will be sent to the parents of each artist whose work is selected for publication; the release must be signed and returned to Farm Collector before the artwork can be published.
All ages shown were at time of submission. Farm Collector is pleased to receive Sprouts pictures from the budding artists in our readers’ families, but please be patient waiting for your artist’s work to appear as response to Sprouts has been so overwhelmingly positive we always have a backlog of art to display!