Gail Borden Finally Hit It Big with Condensed Milk

By Sam Moore
Published on May 2, 2013
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The Borden ice cream logo.
The Borden ice cream logo.
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An 1893 trade card featuring the
An 1893 trade card featuring the "Borden baby," an enduring feature of Borden promotional pieces.
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A can of Borden's Peerless evaporated milk with a Spanish language label.
A can of Borden's Peerless evaporated milk with a Spanish language label.
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A Borden's delivery truck dating to about 1960.
A Borden's delivery truck dating to about 1960.
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Gail Borden
Gail Borden

June is National Dairy
Month, and while a strange quirk of publishers assures that the June issue of
most magazines will actually reach readers in May, the June issue of Farm
seems a good time to take a look at the later career of a man
whose name can be found in virtually every dairy case in the nation; who was
born in 1801 in central New York; who as a 12-year-old boy went west with his

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