Recalling Work for Hire in Western Iowa

By Dale Geise
Published on January 26, 2009
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A Farmall F-12 tractor similar to the one Dale Geise and his brother Dudley used as kids in western Iowa.

In 1944, when I was old enough to drive a tractor with a reasonable degree of safety, I could on rare occasions get a job on another farm.

One such employment was exciting for several reasons beyond the bit of money that might come at the end.

LaMonte Schmaedecke, one of our grocery store keepers in Underwood on the western border of Iowa, had a farm that he rented to others. Those others may have been slow getting the corn laid by (cultivated for the last time), so my brother Dudley and I went out there to do it for them.

LaMonte let me use his Farmall F-12 tractor with a 2-row mounted cultivator. The F-12 was narrow in front of the driver’s seat and then widened out with what seemed to me a massive engine that made the front end heavy. It felt clumsy on turns. The entire cultivator rig was raised and lowered by one long hand lever on the right side reachable from the tractor seat.

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