Here are six sent in by readers. Do you know what they are?
Answers to the May 2022 items will appear in the July 2022 issue.
Answers for new items in this issue must be received by May 6, 2022.
A. Tool measures 9 by 2-1/2 inches.
Saw set. Identified by Edward Fett, Lennox, S.D.; Stan Seevers, Argenta, Ill.; Royce Chambers, Bird City, Kan.; Richard Bader, Middletown, N.Y.; Robert Scholz, Elmo, Mo.; Larry H. Beuzenburg Sr., Irving, N.Y.; Jim Frank, Springfield, Ill.; Don Snyder, Decatur, Ill.; Gary Newton, Chesaning, Mich.; David Krumm, Hillsboro, Mo.; David Barrickman, Anderson, Ind.; Maurice Lang, Hallam, Neb.; Dean Fuelling, Rapid City, S.D.; Gordy Muellner, St. Cloud, Minn.; Timothy Potaczek, Cornell, Wis.; Joseph E. Bruggeman, Taberg, N.Y.; Thomas E. Graves, Muncie, Ind.; Jack Simmons, Mt. Vernon, Ill.; Robert Dishaw, North Lawrence, N.Y.; Leroy Kuznicki, Edmore, Mich.; Maynarad Fronks, Savannah, Tenn.; Murl Rupp, Westbrook, Minn.; Don Reynolds, Henderson, Texas; Mike Barr, Chehalis, Wash.; Arthur H. Bailey, Wilmington, Vt.; Ron Bush, Long Island, N.Y.; John S. Rauth, Ridgely, Md.; Dominick Caldiero, Afton, N.Y.; Lew Payne, Remsen, N.Y.; Randy Winland, Prospect, Ohio; and Garrison Brown, Eastville, Va. Photo submitted by Henry Beckman, Loretto, Tenn.
B. Made of metal; not a matching set. Top portion is a closed-off tube. No attachments on the base for hanging.
Gofferingirons, used to produce special effects when ironing ruffles
and other decorative trim. Identified by Stan Seevers; Mary S. Post, Mackinaw, Ill.; Dominick F. Caldiero; and Mike Intlekofer, Bellevue, Wash. Photo submitted by Don Schuhmacher, Austin, Texas.
C. Tool measures 10 inches long.
A windmill pump dog/puller for pulling the well pipe and cylinder out of the well. Identified by Robert Scholz and Royce Chambers, Bird City, Kan. Photo submitted by Russ Raeder, Lancaster, Wis.
D. No measurements provided. Patented Nov. 24, 1881, Galesburg, Ill.
Dr. Rinehart’s Handy Hog Holder. Identified by Stan Seevers; Gary Kleppe, Monroe, Wis.; Royce Chambers; Joe Rudolphi, Noble, Ill.; Jerry Wolfe, Rockville, Ind.; Gary Froiland, Stewartville, Minn.; Bruce Ward, Rice Lake, Wis.; Bob Fererro, Fletcher, Mo.; Jim Frank; Keith Greathouse, Uniontown, Ohio; Don Snyder; Maurice Lange; Dean Fuelling; Bob Kreis, Lincoln, Neb.; Chuck Strack, Blue Earth, Minn.; Randy Gorsett, Silt, Colo.; Ed Foley, Delano, Minn.; Wayne Yeoman, Freeport, Ill.; Neil R. Hartwig, Humboldt, Kan.;
Merrill Bower, Bridgewater, Iowa; Jim Morris, Clinton, Ill.; Roger Palmer, Brandon, Iowa; Timothy Potaczek; Dwayne Schmoll, Dodge Center, Iowa; Charlie Jansen, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Jack Simmons; Robert Schlarman, Saint Henry, Ohio; Roger Wurts, Highmore, S.D.; Marvin Hoogendoorn, Rock Valley, Iowa; Lyle Olson, Faribault, Minn.; Roy A. Braum, Easton, Kan.; Dennis Schenk, W. Burlington, Iowa; Sam Mast, Mercer, Pa.; Marlow R. Illg, Lakeville, Minn.; John S. Rauth; Ron Bush; Ron Nahrwold; Willard Smith, Blountstown, Fla.; Lew Payne; Randy Winland; Paul Schoborg, Delano, Minn.; Larry Lemke, New Prague, Minn.; Roger Tuttle, Somonauk, Ill.; and Garrison Brown. See Patent No. 1,833,759. Photo submitted by John Dark, Polson, Mont.
E. Measures about 4 feet long. When pressed, foot pedal turns the tapered shaft on top.
Unidentified. Photo submitted by Erin Fullerton, S. Woodstock, Vt.
F. Tool measures about 28 inches wide.
Clothes washing machine typically mounted on the wash tub. Dirty clothes were placed in soapy water in the tub and then cranked between the big and small roller creating action much like using the scrub board. Identified by Dominick Caldiero; Garrison Brown and John S. Rauth. Photo submitted by Thomas A. Drier, Arkansaw, Wis.
To submit photos:
Send prints to Farm Collector, 1503 SW 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609. Send digital images to
- Photos should be taken in a well-lit area against a plain background. Include dimensions and markings on the piece, and your name, city and state. We cannot guarantee every photo will be published. No photos will be returned.
- Digital photos should be sent as .jpegs at a minimum of 300 dpi.
To identify an item:
Send answers (with your name and address) to Farm Collector, 1503 SW 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609.
Email responses may be sent to
Answers for new items shown in this issue must be received by May 6, 2022.