I bought these items in three separate piles at an estate sale. Assuming they all go together, perhaps someone has a complete unit and could send me a picture or share a picture in the next issue of Farm Collector.
The piece appears to be some sort of treadle-powered seed or grain cleaner. There is part of a pitman arm on the flywheel, which appears to run only the canvas belt. The mortised holes in one piece do not line up with the other. The date appears to be 1902, but I can’t make out the rest of the markings. Thank you for the help.
GilMangels, info@miracleofamericamuseum.org
Farm Collector Editorial, 1503 SW 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609; fax: (785) 274-4385; email: editor@farmcollector.com; online at: www.farmcollector.com