I found this plow at a farm sale. It is a 3-bottom. There are no marks on it. Has anyone seen anything like it?
— Jens Hansen, 13289 198th Ave., Meadow, SD 57644-7608
Setting a Record in Kansas
Prairie Plowing Days will be held Aug. 27-28 in Concordia, Kansas. We applied for a Guinness record several months ago and have received confirmation of a new record category for the event, where we will plow 160 acres. We plan to set a world’s record for the most steam engines plowing in a field at the same time. We currently have a minimum of 10 engines that will participate and expect at least two more. We have collected 11 gangplows from all over the country. We welcome all interested persons to join us for this record-breaking event.
— Brad Smith, Scottsville, KS 67420; (785) 243-0067; www.prairieplowingdays.com
Another Side of R.G. LeTourneau
I was very interested in and enjoyed Sam Moore’s column on R.G. LeTourneau in the May 2016 issue of Farm Collector. I learned much from it that I didn’t know before.
There are facts about LeTourneau and his success that were not mentioned in the article. This side of this great industrialist is not politically correct today, and I understand. However, I did feel it should be brought out.
LeTourneau firmly believed that any talents he had came from God, and as a born-again believer, he lived his life to God’s glory. “I gave to the Lord a tablespoon full and He gave back by the scoop shovel,” LeTourneau said. “I gave him the scoop shovel full, and I received back by the wheelbarrow full!” By the time of his retirement, LeTourneau was giving a full 90 percent of his net income to support missionaries and a Bible school.
— Dean Delavan, Cincinnatus, New York
Dowidat Down Under
I was most impressed with the article about Joe Griewe and his fabulous wrench collection (Farm Collector, June 2016). As a collector myself, in a small way, I can understand that it has taken all those years to collect what he has at this time.
My collection consists of the Dowidat range of shifters, namely the no. 91 series and the left-hand knurled no. 73 series, with a 26-inch no. 72 series thrown in for good measure. Joe has so many wrenches; he is bound to have the Dowidat range as well.
The article comes close to the Dowidat range, in that Bahco at one time owned part of the Dowidat business. This was after the two remaining Dowidat brothers split up and went their separate ways. Later, a granddaughter is reported to have bought back the Dowidat-named company and it is still trading today in a range of countries. The other original brother kept the Gedore company going. I believe it is still trading as a family company.
— Ron Waterhouse, Parkerville, Western Australia; alphabit@bigpond.net.au
Our thanks to Leo Yelk, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, who sends a geographical correction. In the April 2016 issue of Farm Collector, the Coulee Antique Engine Club grounds are identified as being located a few miles north of Westby in Vernon, Wisconsin. In fact, the grounds are located a few miles north of Westby in Vernon County. Vernon, Wisconsin, is located on the east side of Wisconsin; Vernon County is on the west side of the state.
Send letters to: Farm Collector Editorial, 1503 S.W. 42nd St.,Topeka, KS 66609; FAX: (785) 274-4385 email: editor@farmcollector.com; online at: www.farmcollector.com