R.D. 2, Orrville, Ohio 44667
The 11th Annual Show was held August 16, 17, 18 at the
Tuscarawas County Fair Grounds, Dover, Ohio. This was by far our
biggest and best show. Never a dull moment, lots of activity for
young and old.
Twenty steam engines, traction and portable were busy, steaming
were: threshing grain, running a sawmill, Baker fan, shingle mill,
straw baler and grinding corn meal on stone burrs-and plenty of
whistle blowing. The engines also had a good workout on a dynometer
(power eater) furnished by John McDowell.
Also on display were approximately 100 flywheel gas engines, old
gas tractors and steam models.
The Ladies Auxiliary sold bazaar items, magazines, jewelry and
fresh ground corn meal, souvenir plates and cups. They auctioned a
crazy quilt and raffled off a homemade afghan. They sponsored the
Fiddler’s Contest and Musical Entertainment held in the
evenings at the grandstand. They also selected and crowned the
Queen of the year, Mrs. Lois Brown.
A parade was held each day with steam engines, gas tractors and
antique cars. Church services were held at the grandstand at 9:00
A.M. on Sunday.
Steam engine wagon and pony wagon kept young and old riding
throughout the show. Plenty of Flea Markets and food accommodations
and camping on the grounds.
So all in all, we had a great show and are looking forward to
seeing you August 15, 16, 17, 1975. To get to Dover show, turn off
Exit 15, Interstate 77 and follow signs to Dover Fair Grounds.