Bargersville, Indiana
I was born in 1884, my father was threshing then. He had a
Russell separator, his partner had a 12 H.P. Stevens pin engine. In
1898 my father bought a 10 H.P. Russell engine and a wind stacker
for his separator. I got to run the stacker, I was 14 years old
then. I hauled water through clover hulling. My father had a No. 1
wheat threshing for two seasons, then I took over the engine.
In 1905 my father bought a new 20H.P. Russell engine No. 12618
and a new 33 x 50 Russell separator complete.
In 1905 my neighbor and I got a 13H.P. used Russell engine and
Matchless clover huller — was a good outfit.
In 1906 I got a 30 x 46 used Russell separator with a blower and
weigher. Engine was too small — sold it — and got a 16 H.P.
Stevens No. 1884. Iran this outfit until 1911, exchanged it for a
20 H.P. Russell engine No. 14614 and a 33×54 Russell separator
No.21050 complete. Run separator 24 seasons, engine 30 years and in
1930 bought the last 33 x 54 Russell separator the Russell Co. had.
In 1931 pushed an 18 H.P. advance Rumley engine, the last one they
had — run this outfit until 1942 — then the combine took over. We
have a combine but it is not like threshing grain with a real
threshing machine.