The following list was sent to us by longtime friend of Iron-Men
Album, Wilmer Eshleman, 3001 Lititz Pike, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
17601, who says, ‘All the old timers were well verse don this,
but some of the current operators would be interested in this.’
This sheet appeared in the ‘Frick Engine Club’, P.O. Box
70, Climax, North Carolina 27233.Ed.
Which is another way of repeating what has already been
1.Don’t empty the boiler when the brick
work is hot.
2.Don’t pump cold water into a hot
3.Don’t allow filth of any kind to
accumulate around the boiler or boiler room.
4.Don’t leave your shovel or any other tool
out of its appointed place when not in use.
5.Don’t fail to keep all the bright work
about the boiler neat and ‘shiny’.
6.Don’t forget that negligence causes great
loss and danger.
7.Don’t fail to be alert and ready-minded
and ready-headed about the boiler and furnace.
8.Don’t read newspapers when on duty.
9.Don’t fire up too quickly.
10.Don’t let any water or dampness come on
the outside of your boiler.
11.Don’t let any dampness get into the
boiler and pipe coverings.
12.Don’t fail to see that you have plenty
of water in the boiler in the morning.
13.Don’t fail to keep the water at the same
height in the boiler all day.
14.Don’t let any one talk to you when
15.Don’t allow water to remain on the floor
about the boiler.
16.Don’t fail to blow off steam once or
twice per day according as the water is more less pure.
17.Don’t fail to close the blow-off cock,
when blowing off, when the water in the boiler has sunk to one and
a half inches.
18.Don’t fail, while cleaning the boiler,
to examine and clean all cocks, valves and pipes and look to all
joints and packings.
19.Don’t commence cleaning the boiler until
it has had time to cool.
20.Don’t forget daily to see that the
safety valve moves freely and is tight.
21.Don’t fail to clean the boiler inside
frequently and carefully.
22.Don’t fail to notice that the steam
gauge is in order.
23.Don’t fail to keep an eye out for leaks
and have them repaired immediately, no matter how small.
24.Don’t fail to empty the boiler every
week or two and re-fill it with fresh water.
25.Don’t let any air into the furnace,
except what goes through the grate bars, or the smoke burners, so
called, by which the air is highly heated.
26.Don’t increase the load on the safety
valve beyond the pressure allowed by the inspector.
27.Don’t fail to open the doors of the
furnace and start the pump when the pressure is increased beyond
the amount allowed, but
28.Don’t fail to draw the fires when there
is danger from the water having fallen too low.
29.Don’t fail to check the fire if too hot
to draw, do it with fresh coal, damp ashes, clinkers or soil;
30.Don’t fail to open the doors of the
furnace and close the ash pit doors at the time the fire is checked
31.Don’t decrease the steam pressure by
feeding in water or suddenly blowing off steam, and
32.Don’t touch the safety valve, even if it
be opened or closed, and
33.Don’t change the feed apparatus if it is
working, or the throttle-valve be open; let them both remain as
they are for a short time, and
34.Don’t fail to change them very
cautiously and slowly when you close them, and
35.Don’t fail to be very cool and brave
while resolute in observing these last seven
36.Don’t fail to keep yourself neat and
37.Don’t fail to be polite as well as neat
and brave.
38.Don’t fail to keep the tubes clear and
free from soot and ashes.
39.Don’t let too many ashes gather in the
40.Don’t disturb the fire when it is
burning good nor stir it up too often.
41.Don’t be afraid to get instruction from
books and engineering papers.
42.Don’t fail to make an honest
self-examination as to points upon which you may be ignorant, and
really need to know in order to properly attend to your duties.
43.Don’t allow too much smoke to issue from
the top of the chimney if the cause lies within your power to
prevent it.
44.Don’t think that after working at firing
and its kindred duties for a year or two that the whole subject of
engineering has been learned.
45.Don’t forget that one of the best helps
in getting forward is the possession of a vigorous and well
balanced mind and body this covers temperance and kindred virtues
and a willingness to acquire and impart knowledge.
46.Don’t forget to have your steam gauge
tested at least once in three months.
47.Don’t use a wire or metallic rod as a
handle to a swab in cleaning the glass tube of a water gauge for
the glass may suddenly fly to pieces when in use within a short
time afterwards.
48.Don’t forget that steam pumps require as
much attention as a steam engine.
49.Don’t run a steam pump piston, unless in
an emergency, at a speed exceeding 80 to 100 feet per minute.
50.Don’t do anything without a good reason
for it about the engine or boiler, but when you are obliged to do
anything, do it thoroughly and as quickly as possible.
51.Don’t forget to sprinkle a thin layer of
coal on the grates before lighting the shavings and wood in the
morning. This practice preserves the grate bars.
52.Don’t take the cap off a bearing and
remove the upper brass simply to see if things are working well; if
there is any trouble it will soon give you notice, and besides, you
never can replace the brass in exactly its former position, so that
you may find that the bearing will heat soon afterwards, owing to
your own uncalled-for interference.
53.Don’t put sulphur on a hot bearing,
unless you intend to ruin the brasses.
54.Don’t use washed waste that has a harsh
feel, as the chemicals used in cleansing it have not been
thoroughly removed.
55.Don’t, in case of an extensive fire,
involving the whole business, rush off without drawing the fires,
and raising and propping open the safety valve of the boiler.
56.Don’t fail to preserve your health, for
‘a sound mind in a sound body’ is beyond a money
57.Don’t fail to remember that engineers
and firemen are in control of the great underlying force of modern
civilization; hence, do nothing to lower the dignity of the
58.Don’t forget that in the care and
management of the steam boiler the first thing required is an
unceasing watchfulness watch-care.
59.Don’t forget that an intemperate,
reckless or indifferent man has no business in the place of trust
of a steam boiler attendant.
60.Don’t allow even a day to pass without
adding one or more facts to your knowledge of engineering in some
of its branches.