The following article was published in a magazine
‘Power’ in the December issue of 1900. I thought you might
like to reprint it in your Iron-Men Album.
The girl mentioned was my mother’s sister. The mill was idle
several years after Miss Stout left to work in Columbus as
mill was sold to Mr. White of Athens, Ohio whose mill had burned. I
understand the stone burrs are still used for grinding at
White’s mill.
Miss Stout later married Chas. Zigler and lived in Columbus,
Ohio. Both have passed away, but a daughter, Mrs. Alfred Sanford is
living in Columbus.
Submitted by A. G. Weyand, 907 Prospect Street, Bucyrus, Ohio
As a consequence of the passage of a state license law in Ohio
last year a girl engineer has been discovered in that state. There
is at Dyesville a fifty barrel flour mill, and when the inspector
arrived he found the steam plant in charge of a young lady of less
than twenty years of age. Inquiring as to who was the regular
engineer he was informed that she was in full and regular charge,
firing the boiler, tending the engine and running the mill as well.
Upon being informed that she could not continue without a license
she indicated her willingness to be examined, passed a creditable
examination, and there was nothing for the inspector to do but to
give her a certificate. Upon reading of the occurrence we wrote to
the young lady, verifying the report and obtained her consent to
pose for the picture reproduced herewith. Her name is Miss Alverda
Stout. Less than two years ago, at the age of seventeen, she
entered the mill, which belongs to her father, as bookkeeper,
became interested in the milling processes and the machinery and
mastered its operation, including that of the engine and boiler, of
which she has been for some time in sole charge. The photograph
shows her costume, with gloves, cap and rainy-day skirt, and the
appearance of the plant, which the inspector says is well kept up.
The readers of our correspondence department will recall a lady
contributor to that department who used to discuss engineering
questions with interest and intelligence, but this lady is, we
think, without question the first who can show a license as a
regular engineer. This is an extension of the feminine of endeavor
in a new direction in which we venture to predict, it will not
extend very far.