Here is another Day Dream which happens to be a true story.
Uncle Tom was a big (ordinarily) good natured colored man who
worked for Gilbert Green, owner of the machine. Uncle Tom wore
fourteen (14) shoes which were custom made. He once made the remark
that he could/ feed more grain through a machine, than any of the
New fangledl self feeders, and also feed it more evenly. Dock
I am not sure what his real name was, or if he had nay many real
name was, or if he had any name but ‘Dock ‘. He once made
the remark that ‘/ have known Gilbert ever since he was knee
high to a duck. In fact, I practically raised him. And a hell of a
job I made of it too.’ I suppose a book could be written about
Gilbert Green and his antics. I may try to do it sometime.
The Harrison Family was noted for the fabulous meals they would
serve. Everyone looked forward to threshing, bailing or shredding
at their place. Isaih Harrison still lives in the same vicinity,
which is in the suburb of Columbus now. He must be well up in
eighty, but still active.
This story seems amusing from
This vantage point of time.
To Uncle Tom it no doubt seemed
To be almost a crime.
Now Uncle Tom was quite a man,
His shoes were huge affairs,
So you can see the reason why
He had only two pairs.
His dress shoes when they’d show some wear
He’d use for every day,
To keep the cost of foot wear down
He’d stagger them that way.
At threshing time when this took place
Machines were fed by hand,
And Uncle Tom was quite the best,
I’m sure you’ll understand.
Well, this year during threshing time
There came a heavy rain,
And you can see why work was stopped
Till grain was dry again.
So off to town went Uncle Tom,
Work shoes hid on the rack,
Without a doubt they would be safe
Until he would get back.
But Neighbor Harrison nearby
Had his grain in the rick,
So ’twas agreed to go up there
And get his job done quick.
They’d still get back in time to start
When grain dried in the shock,
So off they went but had no Tom,
So gave the job to Dock.
They started up the thresher and
Such noise you’ve never heard,
And out the spout went Tom’s big shoes,
Each soaring like a bird.
Next day when Uncle Tom came back
And heard the tragic news,
More heated words you never heard
About a pair of shoes.
But after all the men and boys
Agreed to give a bit
To help replace the damaged shoes
And make the best of it.
Then Tom’s great wrath was slowly cooled
And he began to smile,
He saw the humor of the thing;
Life was again worth while.
The moral to this story, if
A moral there must be,
Is never hide your treasure in
A place precariously.
The ol’ steam train a whistlin’
Comin’ down the track
Remindin’ me of childhood
Carryin’ me far back.
Why can’t they still be comin’
Like they used to do?
But no, we gotta travel
In autos shiny new.
Air planes going’ whizzin’
Afeared they might be late
To a meetin’ of the big-wigs
Near the Golden Gate.
Reckon I’m old fashioned
But I’d still just love to smell
Good ol’ steam escapin’
From them trains I loved so well.