La Porte City, Iowa
This engine was patented by a La Porte City man named William
Fox and built by the Iowa Gas Engine Co. of Waterloo, Iowa. This
engine was built quite a lot on the order of a steam engine. It has
ahead, a connecting rod and a valve drive like a steamer. The
connecting rod has a take up on both ends. According to what
the only one of like it in existence.
If there are any Iron-Men Album readers that know of another
engine like it, I sure would appreciate hearing from them. I have
12 other gasoline engines in my collection which is my hobby. I
have restored all of them and they are in good running order.
I am also a steam fan. I operated Steam Engines back in 1912 to
1919 threshing grain and shredding corn and shelling corn. Then
later on in the 1930’s I owned and operated two different
threshing machines, a Minneapolis and a Huber. They were both good
machines. Also, I owned and operated a corn sheller and gas
tractors were used for power after the steam engines were
I will have some more Gas Engines photos a little later which I
think will be of interest to the readers of this most wonderful