Sec.-Treas., N. T. A., Inc. Alvordton, Ohio.
A feature that added considerable color to the occasion was the
steam calliope recently made to order for Harry Shell of
Farmington, Missouri, and played for the first time at the Reunion.
Clare Richmond was responsible for bringing it and Mr. Shell to the
Reunion, and his 23-90 Baker supplied the necessary steam.
A small air calliope owned by O. E. Sitton of Ft. Wayne, and
played by Robert Robison of Montpelier, also added music to the
occasion, and to the parades both Friday night and Saturday
afternoon. Space is running out, but mention must be made of the
floats which preceded the engines in the Saturday parade. First was
the old time kitchen, with everyone working but ‘The Lazy
Farmer’, Carlos Litten of Newark, who was reading the TNT
Cookbook. All utensils were authentically old, with Mrs. Litten
churning with a wooden churn; Mrs. Ray Ernst working over the
butter in a wooden butter bowl; Mrs. Geo. Fogel of Churubusco was
cooking in an iron kettle on a little old stove which had smoke
coming out of the stack; Mrs. Scott Baltosser of West Unity, was
ironing with heavy old sad-irons (were they called that because
they made the user sad?); Mrs. Loren Moser was scrubbing a little
boy in a tub; Mrs. Carson Bell of Unionville, Mich., and Mrs. T. H.
Smith of Joliet, I11., were rolling out dough and grinding
The Threshing-Day dinner float, which was such a hit last year,
was repeated, with Mrs. F. W. Bloom of Churubusco and Mrs. Leo
Clark of Washington, I11., serving the hungry men, with delicious
food prepared as part of Mrs. Sutton’s demonstration. Joan
Williamson again kept the flies away with her shoo-fly branch.
Joan’s mother, Mrs. Forrest Williamson, was in the hospital at
that time, for a very serious operation, but we are happy to report
she has made a good recovery. Her presence and help with the TNT
was sadly missed, although the efficient oldest daughter, Leah,
carried on bravely in her mother’s absence. Lois had helped by
painting the engine before it was brought up, but was not able to
be our ‘Miss Steam Engine’ this year, being at her
mother’s side in the hospital. We would like publicly to
express our appreciation to Mrs. Williamson, president of TNT, for
the valiant work she did in preparing and proofreading the TNT
cookbook, which we feel is a most unusual book, one of which every
NTA member can be proud. In fact, since women from many states
contributed to it, every steam fan anywhere can be proud of it, and
glad to have this emphasis of the importance of these steam fans
organizations. We have always felt that whatever helps one
association helps another, which is why LeRoy has always been glad
to loan the Prony brake, given to him personally by A. D. Baker
before his death. He feels the same about the Baker Fan, a replica
of the fan used by the A. D. Baker Co., in the olden days, which
was just completed for use at this year’s Reunion and proved
very interesting. It is 5 feet in diameter, no housing,
ant-friction bearings, steel frame. The fastest any engine could
turn it was 660 RMP which was a great surprise to the crowd. It
required 128 plus hp. to do even that, and the smaller engines
could turn it only 450 RPM for as the ratio of the speed increased,
the power required increased unbelievably.
Our earthen incline was a little too steep and will be improved
next year. Louis David provided plenty of excitement by standing
his engine on its tail when he attempted to climb it and then
taking hold of the front end and with several other men bringing it
down to earth again. Jack Egbert climbed it many times with the 12
hp. Frick, and each time he did he blew his whistle to announce his
triumph. He will have more competition next year, we are now
warning him.
The steam engine races, of both the big and little engines, was
another interesting feature of this year’s reunion.
We have necessarily omitted many details, but will conclude with
a list of the officers of the two organizations.
Officers of The National Threshers Association, Inc.: President,
LeRoy W. Blaker, Alvordton, Ohio; Vice-president, Forrest
Williamson, Latty, Ohio; Chaplain, Rev. Elmer Ritz-man, Enola, Pa.;
Sec.-Treas., Mrs. LeRoy Blaker, Alvordton, Ohio.
NTA directors are: Indiana, John Harper, New Haven; Illinois,
Clair Ringle, Moline; Ohio, Chas. Harrison, Fredricktokn; Penna.,
Morgan Hill, Linesville; Iowa, Ray Ernst, Wayland; Michigan, Louis
David, Northville: Wisconsin, Gilmar Johnson, Frederic; Kentucky,
W. M. Jones, Winchester. Trustees are: Fred Blaker, Waldron, Mich.;
Homer Holp, Brookville, Ohio; Carlton Felger, Waldron, Mich.
Officers of The National Thresherwomen (TNT) are: President,
Mrs. Ralph Vincent, Bryan, Ohio; Vice-president, Mrs. Fred Blaker,
Waldron, Mich.; Sec.-Treas., Miss Leah Williamson, Latty, Ohio; Ch.
Cookbook Sales, Mrs. Mac Keller, Auburn, Indiana.
Please note the correction of where the TNT Cookbooks are
available. Latty, NOT Catty, Ohio, as stated in the May-June issue
of the ALBUM.
‘Too late for the Party’ is the caption for the Avery
which now sits in our back yard. This engine was bought by Louis
David of Northville to be a companion for his huge Avery 40, but
because of late and deep snow in that far northern country, the
engine did not reach Alvordton until the Friday following the
Reunion. Louis was greatly disappointed, of course, but this
Canadian Special will surely be on hand for the 1955 Reunion, for
which we are already making great plans. ‘See you in Monpelier
in 1955’! !