By Robert Somers
Published on March 1, 1976
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Two old sawmill pictures, one taken in 1924 of a mill at Cedar Run Church, Culpeper County a Peerless engine and mill.
Two old sawmill pictures, one taken in 1924 of a mill at Cedar Run Church, Culpeper County a Peerless engine and mill.
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1954 - C. W. Thornhill's 16 HP Frick. Courtesy of Robert Somers, Route 2, Country Club Est., Greer, South Carolina 29651.
1954 - C. W. Thornhill's 16 HP Frick. Courtesy of Robert Somers, Route 2, Country Club Est., Greer, South Carolina 29651.
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The other, although unidentified, is in Culpeper County, probably in the 1920s. Courtesy of Robert Somers, Route 2, Country Club Est., Greer, South Carolina 29651
The other, although unidentified, is in Culpeper County, probably in the 1920s. Courtesy of Robert Somers, Route 2, Country Club Est., Greer, South Carolina 29651

Route 2, Country Club Est., Greer, South Carolina 29651

Enclosed is a picture of my father which might be of interest to
your magazine. It was taken in 1954 in Cuipeper, Virginia. The
engine is a 10 hp Frick owned by C. W. Thornhill, who is pictured
2nd from the right. Beside him is O. R. Clark, and on the engine is
my dad, C. H. Somers.

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