Mr. James Bolton of Galesburg, Michigan has recently purchased
from H. J. McMillan of Galva, Illinois a beautiful Ottoway steam
train, it is a 440 with four coaches, air brakes, steam generator,
and all other accessories. Mr. Bolton has set this up at 75
Sprinkler Road in Kalamazoo, Mich. There is a batting range and
drive-in restaurant on the same tract of ground. This train will be
beautiful layout, and well worth the time and effort to make a
visit out there to see and ride on it.
R. F. Learned & Son, Inc., offers to and person, museum,
exhibit, as is, where is, AT NO COST except cost of dismantling and
freighting, such person or body shall give assurances of a good and
permanent home or prouseful work for the following:
One only
Corliss type, Atlas mfgr., STEAM ENGINE, stationary, 36′
stroke, 18′ bore, driving twelve foot flywheel grooved to carry
11 strands 1 1/8′ Manila transmission rope. New in 1917-
Recently reb cred. Complete with 42′ driven pulley on 5′
shaft plus idler.
Subject engine bought originally for use in pumping water to
rice fields. After one year moved to present location where it has
powered this firm’s sawmill since.
As an example or sample of this type of power, common in
sawmills until recently, it is unsurpassed. Too fine and handsome
to junk and unusable further in this firm due to our leaving the
sawmill business to concentrate on timber culture. All new mills
now going to diesel or electricity.
R. F. Learned & Son, Inc., P. O. Box 600, Natchez, Miss.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cleverson have recently acquired a 16 gauge
4-4-0 train from H. J. McMillan, Galva, III. and are going to
operate this train in the vicinity of Caldwell, Idaho. This train
was last operated at the Railroad Fair in Chicago in 1948. It is a
beautiful piece of workmanship, and if you are in this vicinity, it
will pay you to look it up, and make the acquaintance of Mr. and
Mrs. Cleverson who are old time steam people, and grand folks to