It was old home week again at Antique Acres, last August 22; and
for four days the grounds were filled with equipment and faces,
both old and new. Nothing can top that mixture of fun and work at a
threshing show. Through the evening were a bit chilly for those
usual gatherings around the picnic tables, when you’d settle
down for a good visit, we were blessed with bright sunny days. And
sunrise to sunset, there were men and their machinery exhibiting
their skills.
To the north you found the threshing crew operating A.J.
Fischels & Sons’ 18 H.P. Wood Brothers Steam Engine &
Wood Bros. Hummingbird Thresher, a complete Iowa product. And with
the addition of a team of four year old Belgium mares hitched to
the hay rack, it was truly an authentic replica of those good old
days. Ray Fischels, Salem, New Jersey, usually claims squatters
rights on the Wood Bros. Engine during showtime, but taking a leave
of absence this year, left the honor to Andy Fischels, Waterloo,
Iowa, and Bob Fischels, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Well, Andy, the old pro,
came through with flying colors, but Bob didn’t receive such
high marks. Seems someone double-belted him and it just doesn’t
work that way. Mr. John Sundermeyer, Readlyn, Iowa, and Bob
Fischels were in charge of the separator.
Looking to the crop situation this year, because of weather
conditions and the nature of the soil, they were a little below
average for the Acres’ standards. John Sundermeyer was again
farm manager for the Acres and it was decided to put in 18 acres of
oats and 40 acres of corn. Twelve acres of oats were threshed
before showtime with a 20 H.P. Minneapolis Steam Engine, owned by
Shelby Bellinger, La Porte City, Iowa, and his son, Dean, Waterloo,
Iowa, and the Fischels’ Hummingbird Thresher. The men also
threshed five acres of oats for a neighbor this summer. Six acres
of the best oats were left to thresh during the show; all of which
were baled during showtime with John Sundermeyer’s New Holland
Baler and the manpower supplied by various members of the Kruger
and Persinger families of Columbia, Missouri.
On the southern border, the boys outdid themselves this year
with their plowing expedition. The first man in the field each
afternoon was Mr. Everett Hildebrandt, Waverly, Iowa, with his team
of Belguims on the walking plow. This was a first for the Acres and
Lou Kruger and his daughter, Brenda, even tried their hand at it.
Then from 2 H.P. we jumped to 140 H.P. with the Smolik
Brothers’, Osage, Iowa, Reeves Steam Engine, still believed to
be the largest and only engine left in operation today. The Reeves
pulled the Smolik’s John Deere 14 bottom plow; and with little
effort, the Great Iron Horse once again proved its worth. Next Mr.
Hildebrandt increased his horse power with five Belguims hitched to
a gang plow. Then came our President, A. J. Fischels, and John
Sundermeyer with their 30 H.P. Townsend Oil Tractor, that looks
like a miniature steam engine, pulling a 3 bottom plow. Following
this was the Smolik’s 20 H.P. Advance Rumely Threshing Engine
and 14 bottom plow with 8 bottoms down. They also exhibited their
110 Case Steamer on the 14 bottom plow, engineer, Mr. George Hedke,
Davis Juncion, Illinois. Filling in for Mr. Arnie Slyndie, Lyle,
Minnesota, was Mr. Jack Fritchard, Elma, Iowa. Jack engineered the
140 Reeves Engine and the 20-60 Rumely Engine. He did a superb job
and we hope to see more of him around the Acres.
Mr. Charles Robinson, exhibitor from Cresco, Iowa, made a few
rounds with his newly restored 6 cylinder Rumely tractor. These
were all steel wheel equipment, bringing us up to the modern era of
the rubber tire. Among the various models of this type who aided in
turning the turf was Mr. Roy Harper, Cedar Falls, Iowa, with his
‘homemade’ tractor that has a Buick motor and Massey rear
axle. Needless to say, it was an exhibit of excellent showmanship
and outside of a little trimming around the eges. of a little
trimming around the edges. Mr. Sundermeyer’s postoperative show
plowing was cut considerably.
Due east lies the excitement of the sawmill and its fearless
crew. Owned by J.S. Fenton, Waterloo, Iowa, the mill was powered by
the Fenton 30-60 Oil Pull, the Smolik’s 20-60 Rumely Steam
Engine, and the Bellinger’s 20 H.P. Advance Rumely Universal
Steam Engine. Mr. Leonard Flynn, Toledo, Iowa, we award you a
Master of Arts Degree for your talent at the sawmill. His very
capable assistants were Mr. Fenton, Mr. Cleo Howard, Dike, Iowa,
and Mr. Frank Williams, Finchford, Iowa. They really kept her a
humming; and by the close of the show, the log pile had pretty well
Andy Fischels’ sawmill was kept busy this summer sawing
lumber, 90% walnut and cherry, for various hobbiests. The mill,
operated by Andy, was usually powered by the Fischels’ Wood
Bros. Steam engine, operated by John Sundermeyer. For economical
reasons, the engine was fired with wood; and it just wasn’t the
same. You learn to associate that strong burnt-coal smell in your
nostrils and long before you hear that first shrill whistle, you
know when an engine is being fired up. It took a heap of slab wood
and Andy’s buzz saw really got a work-out. Mr. Fischels also
restored another buzz saw this summer, all steel, that was donated
to him by Mr. Russle Witt, Reinbeck, Iowa. Rafters for another new
building on the Acres were sawed out of red elm and stored for
’75. Coal was used for all of the threshing operations and in
all of the engines during the show.
An interesting item, brought in for exhibit, was an upright
boiler with a stationary engine and a buzz saw on the back. This is
owned by Mr. Dave Hutchens, Denver, Iowa, and he plans to be back
again next year.
When Frank Williams wasn’t helping out at the sawmill, hay
rack, or wherever he could lend a helping hand, he was busy
demonstrating the use of his wood buzz saw, which is attached to
his WC Allis Chalmers tractor.
Always a crowd pleaser are the shingle saws with Cliff Johnston,
Vice-President, Cedar Falls, Iowa, operating his regular size
shingle saw and Art Robinson, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, operating
his 1/4 size shingle saw. It must be those cedar shingles they saw,
’cause those boys sure do smell good! Art also exhibited his
1-3/4′ scale model of one of the 1st John Deere Power Balers
and a 1-3/4′ scale model of a Canadian Standard Gas Engine. He
constructed all three of these; and you never know just what he is
going to turn up with each year from his vast collection of scale
model machinery. Mrs. Robinson lends a welcome hand at the
Acres’ Souvenir Booth. So, this couple, besides being true
friends of the Acres, are a great asset to our show.
My brother and I have owned a few gas engines and also owned and
operated many gas tractors but they never have had the attraction
to me that the old steamers have. Might add that we have owned
several steamers and operated two steam threshing outfits for
several years. Steam started building up in my blood at about the
age of four years and the pressure appears to be getting higher as
the years go by. I am past the eighty two year age but the pressure
doesn’t seem to be serious. I have a sixteen HP Russell
steamer, pictured above, that is in excellent shape and also a
model Russell three fifths the size of the sixteen which I built.
All a do it your self job except the boiler which I bought, code
and carries one hundred fifty P.S.I. I also have a 30-60 Aultman –
Taylor gas tractor which has an electric starter of my own design
and make. I sometimes wonder about my mental condition having such
items as these for playthings.
Also in this area is located the Old Time Blacksmith Shop,
literally filled to the rafters with its many mysterious items. And
these aren’t just show pieces; they are put to good use all
summer long. It is one of those pieces of history that comes to
life when you stand back and watch these fascinating techniques of
our forefathers.
Next to this are the exhibit buildings, bursting at the seams
with just about everything imaginable. Whether you’re in the
mood to buy, sell, swap, or just browse around, you won’t want
to miss these. Among the exhibitors were: Henry Keyser, dishes and
antiques; Dan Gibbons, antiques; Tom Salvan, antique jars and
glassware; Alvin Stedman, antiques; Hanner Antiques, dishes;
Masters Touch Antiques, imports from the Philippines; Paroth
Antiques, antique items; Schniedermans, dishes and old coins;
Charron Variety, ceramic items; Mixdorfs, miniature horses and
wagons; Helen Galle, stuffed animal and dolls; Reeves Woodworking,
all kinds of walnut items, while you watch; Wayne Geeting, spinning
wheel; and loyal friends and exhibitors, Fritz & Clayta
Harnish’s huge display of watch fobs and marine engines. A big
thanks go to these great show-people!
You may also take a stroll through our so-called ‘cemetery
section’, which is located behind this area. But I’m
renaming it our convalescence section, because these items
aren’t buried and forgotten. They are there to view and revive
many a memory; and there is always that chance of being singled out
for restoration.
Completing the perimeter is our western edge. Here you enter our
campgrounds; and there is never a dull moment there. Campers
arriving from all over the nation are warmly greeted as the
Acres’ red carpet of hospitality is rolled out. With the
upgrading of our electrical system in ’73, the modern
rest-rooms, complete with showers, and plenty of green grass and
shade trees, the Acres are proud of the campgrounds they have to
offer you.
1917, shows Ed Trego at left with two men, unidentified. Leola
Badders is pictured on the rear wheel. In back of her is Forrest
Trego and on the flywheel is Les Badders. The horses are Nellie and
Also, in this area are located our eating tent with Kentucky
Fried Chickens’ finger-lickin’ good morsels; our snow-cone
tent, operated by Mrs. Lou Kruger and her very capable assistants,
Johnny and Bobby Persinger; our Sound Room-Office Building,
operated this year by Mr. John Ruth, Waverly, Iowa, and Mr. Fred
Golinveaux, Waterloo, Iowa; our bandstand, where Mr. Shelby
Bellinger is MC for our daily parades which consists of every piece
of equipment on the Acres that is in operative condition; Mrs.
Mildred Ruth’s ceramic and novelty booth; and the Acres’
Souvenir Booth where you’ll find something for every age with
its enormous variety of books on old tractors, farm machinery, gas
engines, steam engines, antique cars, cook-books, and subscriptions
to Iron Man Album, Engineers & Engines, and Stumptown Steamer,
all great magazines for you enthusiasts. They also have a variety
of antique toy tractors, along with many other items of interest.
We believe we offer one of the largest selections of any show in
this area; and we hope you’ll stop by and let us serve you.
Mrs. Harold Pries is in charge of the booth and is happy to hear
from you during the winter months at her home address of Bremer,
Iowa. She informed us a few weeks ago that she was contacted by two
of our local libraries for some of our collection, so, perhaps this
‘now generation’ is really interested in what we are trying
to preserve. And despite the enjoyment of self-satisfaction,
isn’t that really what it’s all about?
And in the center of all of this is located our enormous gas
engine line-up and display of machinery of about any type. One of
our new gas engine exhibitors is Mr. Marv Lonergan of Waterloo,
Iowa. He promises to have a display of 15 to 16 gas engines to add
to our line for 75. Mr. Kenny Cass, Dunkerton, Iowa exhibited his
very rare Crabb engine among his wide collection, and his Lennox, a
most unique gas engine made in 1908 at the Lennox Furnace Company
in Marshall-town, Iowa. Mr. Cass, aided by Mrs. Cass who dies a
terrific job with the striping on his engines, recently restored 20
engines that he plans to bring to the Acres next show. With our own
members, plus exhibitors, the gas engine line-up increases yearly.
To mention just a few of our new exhibits in our machinery line-up,
we had a Waterloo Boy, owned by one of our members, Mr. Alfred
Lindeman, Waterloo, Iowa, and he also has a real showpiece for
’75. An 18-36 Hart Parr, restored like new and is complete with
an automobile paint job. Newly restored tractors were Randy
Pries’ 1939 John Deere B, a General owned by the Larry Cross
family, Marvin Berends’ 1932 Challenger and 1935 F-20 Farmall,
Russel Miller’s 1945 John Deere H, and Robert Buck’s 1937
F-20 Farmall. An exhibit that really caught yur eye was the 1919
Indiana Gas Tractor, formerly owned by ‘Grandpa Jones’ of
Hee Haw fame, owned and restored by Eldon Cortes, Zwingle, Iowa. As
I mentioned before, these are just a fraction of the items on
display at the Acres during showtime; and there is also wind of a
couple of new interesting pieces we’re hoping to have for the
coming show, but mum’s the word for now!
A new machinery display for ’75 that is being discussed by
the members is to have a section for all items manufactured in
Waterloo, Iowa. We think this would be of interest to many.
Added to our antique car exhibit were two, owned by Mr. Don
Gibbons, Waterloo, Iowa, a 1928 Model A Sports Coupe that was
completed after three years of restoring, and a 1927 Buick Don
purchased this summer and plans to have in top condition for
’75. Jerry Rottinghaus also displayed a 1919 Model T Ford that
isn’t ‘quite’ restored, but we all enjoyed it just the
For the first time at the Acres, the Smolik’s 140 Reeves
Steam Engine was challenged on the proney brake, thanks to Mr.
Sundermeyer coming up with a belt long enough and strong enough. It
was really a picture!
The members had quite a busy summer in ’74. They displayed
various equipment at the Plainfield, Iowa Centennial, the Waverly,
Iowa Ridiculous Days, and the Janesville, Iowa Centennial.
Improvements were made on the grounds such as one of our huge trees
cut down, due to dutch-elm disease, resulting in a pedestal for one
of our gas engines. It wasn’t quite as easy as it sounds; the
tree was only about ten feet away from our restrooms, plus a very
windy day. If it seemed the Acres sort of jumped right out at your
this year as you were traveling down Hwy. 218, perhaps it was
because of the newly remodeled entrance gates, sporting freshly
painted wagon wheels and Antique Acres signs, letting you know this
is the place! Thanks go to designer, Harold Pries, Secretary, and
Mrs. Don Gibbons, artist. There was also new gravel spread in the
drive and one of the big exhibit buildings.
The Acres are open as a museum from June to October and there is
usually something taking place at the Acres each day. And although
it seems to grow yearly, it is still small enough for the true
meaning. LATE NEWS FLASH: Remember reading earlier in the story,
‘mum’s the word?’ Well, now it’s no longer
‘mum’. On February 1, 1975, a 400 H.P. Special Murrey
Corliss Stationary Engine was purchased for Antique Acres. This
engine was located by Mr. Ed &Ray Smolik, Osage, Iowa, from a
Whatcheer, Iowa Brick & Tile Plant. It is our hope to have it
moved and on a foundation at the Acres by the third weekend in
August, our regular show time. Although it may not be operative by
then, we at the Acres are very enthusiastic about this and will
really put our shoulder to the wheel.