Art and Crystal Andersens 10th Annual Steam-Gas & Diesel Museum Show

By John Hays
Published on March 1, 1976
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This is Art Andersen's 25 HP Case engine belted to a 36 inch Red River Special Separator. Vernon Smith was the engineer.
This is Art Andersen's 25 HP Case engine belted to a 36 inch Red River Special Separator. Vernon Smith was the engineer.
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It is a sorrel team of mules hitched to a Wells Fargo Stage Coach. They were busy giving rides to people at the Andersen Show. Courtesy of John T. Hays, 1511 Iglehart Ave., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104.
It is a sorrel team of mules hitched to a Wells Fargo Stage Coach. They were busy giving rides to people at the Andersen Show. Courtesy of John T. Hays, 1511 Iglehart Ave., Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104.
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This is a 140 HP traction steam engine. It was built by the M. Rumely Company of Laporte, Indiana in 1913. It is shown operating the large lumber saw, one of the attractions at the Art and Crystal Andersen Steam Gas and Museum Show. Lloyd Hinker of Woonso
This is a 140 HP traction steam engine. It was built by the M. Rumely Company of Laporte, Indiana in 1913. It is shown operating the large lumber saw, one of the attractions at the Art and Crystal Andersen Steam Gas and Museum Show. Lloyd Hinker of Woonso

1511 Iglehart Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55104

August 23rd and 24th, 1975 were the show dates, and the place
was the Andersen Farm and Museum located one mile east of Blooming
Prairie, Minnesota on Highway 30.

The show site is ideal. A paved road extends from the entrance
well past the Museum Exhibit buildings and it is the borderline of

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