Pennsylvania steam collectors’ organizations have launched
an effort to provide for the continued safe operation of antique
boilers for exhibition purposes.
The move deserves national attention, for it deals with a
subject of increasing importance to collectors and their
organizations as the engines grow older and interest broadens in
Impetus was given by the Rough and Tumble Engineers Historical
Association of Kinzers, Pa., which issued invitations to all
organizations in the state which are listed in the 1983 Stemgas
show directory, to meet at Kinzers.
Guy Stauffer, R&T president, opened the meeting, on May 21.
The next session will be held Nov. 5 at 1 p.m. at the R&T
headquarters. Lunch will be served at noon to those attending.
If you want to be at the meeting, and are not on the mailing
list compiled to date, get in touch with Hope Emerich, secretary,
R&T, Box 9, Kinzers, Pa. 17535.
In a mailing to organizations on June 12, it was stated:
‘The problems all groups have encountered revolve around
inspection and repair of such boilers. Specifically, there is a at
present no code of standards for either inspection or in spectable
repairs to such boilers. In addition, state boiler in specters have
had no training in what to look for when inspecting an antique
At the meeting, the group was told that Connecticut is working
on revision of its code. New Hampshire and Minnesota have antique
boilers written into their codes. North Dakota’s code has a
portion on steam traction engines and miniature boilers.
A set of seven suggestions was developed, for discussion among
clubs. A protective association is envisioned, to refine standards
and promote acceptance by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The suggestions include these:
1. Get the boiler code rewritten to include specifically
exhibition engines, antique boilers and miniatures; study what is
being done in other states.
2. Develop specific guidelines for repair of antique
boilers, emphasizing safety.
3. Develop a training program and encourage young people to
learn how to operate the engines safely; provide for practical
testing of all operators.
4. Develop inspection guidelines, with hydrostatic testing
on a regular schedule, checks for gauge accuracy, and provision for
emergency addition of water if the injector fails.
5. Provide for reciprocity with bordering states on boiler
inspection; possibly seek 5-day permits for out-of-state boilers
coming in for shows.
6. Provide for state inspector knowledgeable on antique
boilers, and/or train inspectors who will have the knowledge.
7. Check with the Hartford Company on inspection and
insurance, and on securing favorable group rates.
The problems addressed at this first meeting are real and
pressing, not only in Pennsylvania but on other states as well. If
you have opinions in this, send them to Antique Boiler Forum, c/o
IMA, Box 328, Lancaster, Pa. 17603. We’ll publish as much as we
can from the response, and pass the information along to R&T
and the clubs associated in the effort.