1708 Jordan Lake Ave., Lake Odessa, Michigan 48849
I am 83 years of age and have had a great many years experience
in operating steam boilers. I could give an account of several
instances in which miraculous escapes from death or serious
injuries were on record. I well remember a case which occurred way
back in my school days.
I was born and reared on what was at that time known as one of
the best dairy farms in Lenawee County, Mich. This farm, owned by
my grandfather and located one mile east of Adrian city limits on
the old Maumee Road, was known as Hamilton’s Eastside Dairy. My
father, N.A.S. Hamilton, owned and operated a milk route in the
city over a period of 21 years. Many of the customers resided in
the factory district at the east end of town. Therefore it was
highly essential that the milk wagon leave the farm at an early
hour in order to supply milk for the factory workers breakfast. At
four o’clock every morning the alarm clock would jingle. All of
us would pop out of bed and begin the days work. The routine
schedule was for the milk wagon to pass under the first electric
light in town at six o’clock. As there were no electric
refrigerators at that early date, and as few people had ice boxes;
we could not hold the nights milk over to the following morning.
Therefore we must needs make two trips per day, a.m. and p.m. This
was done during the warm summer days only.
One afternoon while riding my bicycle into the east end of town
I heard a lady shouting to her neighbor. ‘Orhm’s Laundry
has blown up.’ I straightway increased my speed so as to view
the situation. When bicycle and I reached the scene of the
explosion, the fire department had the place roped off so as to
keep people at a safe distance while they continued the work of
rescuring the injured.
The dome of the boiler was hurled skyward and when it returned
to earth it created a large hole near the center of the brick
pavement. Mr. Orhms 22 year old son was blown half way through a
window with head and shoulders on the outside and the remainder on
the inside. It seemed a miracle that he was not killed; but he did
recover within a few weeks of time. There were no deaths on this
occasion. All the six injured recovered within a few weeks. As
there were saloons in that vicinity it was believed that the boiler
operator had too much of the destructive element under his
I would like, in another issue of this magazine, to relate other
experiences I have had with steam boilers. There may be someone who
would like to collect all my writings and write a book.
By Mrs. Paul Giles, Berryville, Va.
The Shenandoah Valley Steam Engine Association held a dinner
meeting on April 1, 1967, to elect new officers and plan their 1967
A steak dinner was enjoyed by 104 members, guests, and friends
of the organization. A large number were present from nearby parts
of Maryland., Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
The 1967 officers elected were: President, Paul Giles; Vice
President, Robert T. Reed; Secretary, Mrs. Alice God love;
Treasurer, Russell Anderson.
The Shenandoah Valley Steam Engine Association had its
beginnings in 1961. A Sunday afternoon show was held on the farm of
the late Fred Stickley near Water lick, Virginia. Two or three
engines participated.
Some area steam enthusiasts who participated in the early shows
were Fred Stickley, Ralph Lewin, and Elmer Mowery.
The show has been held at Berryville since 1964. The spacious
Horse Show Grounds, a mile west of Berryville, Virginia on Route 7,
is an ideal place for the family to spend the day.
by Einer H. Tostenson, Aug. 16, 1966 3609 – 24th Ave. So.,
Minneapolis, Minn. 55406
The old steam engine – was most fascinating-
More than any machine – of power, It put the USA – on it’s
And that – was it’s finest hour.
It ran machinery – in the factory-
Hauled people on the rails, Helped speed up –
By hauling . the US mails.
It drove ships – across the ocean-
And lessened – their time at sea, It ran everything –
And was used – in the threshing bee.
The threshing engine – was really IT! When wet bundles – would
make it puff,
In turning the pulleys on the separator-
It really – did it’s stuff.
Was loved – by all the kids – on the farm-
Who hung around – the engineers, They enjoyed the smell – of the
burning coal-
And got smoke – in their eyes and ears.
The puff of the engine – was a sym phony-
To those good old farmer folk, And to keep enough water – for the
The water hauler – couldn’t poke.
The gas tractor – pushed the steam engine out-
It – really – was – to good – to last, But there’s still –
some good old steamers around-
To remind us – of that – Golden Past.