The sectional cut herewith illustrates how the boiler of the
Case engine is suspended on springs and carried in front of the
rear axle and countershaft. This is a notable feature of the Case
In order that you may better understand this feature of
construction: Suppose the axle of your wagon was run through the
while being driven over the road, and would not the life of the
wagon be shortened? The traction wheels and gears of Case engines
are mounted independent of the boiler and firebox by means of
radius links, which connect with the countershaft. Steel spring-pot
brackets, resting on spiral springs, support the weight of the
boiler. These springs are suspended from the lower cannon gearing,
which encases the axle, on eye-bolts which allow the springs free
The distance between the countershaft and rear axle is
maintained by distance links, provided with turnbuckles, which
allow the gears to be kept in perfect mesh. These links permit an
up and down movement of the boiler without in any way disturbing
the mesh of the gears or the equilibrium of the boiler, and without
subjecting either to shocks or strains.
Side play of the boiler or countershaft is prevented by means of
a steel cross link held to the rear of the boiler by a stud
bearing, which is fitted over a trunnion of the upper cannon
bearing. On the lower cannon bearing is a heavy lug, which is kept
in position by parallel guides riveted to the boiler below the fire
door. This arrangement, with the cross link above prevents all side
and end play. Our system of spring mounting is not only
theoretically correct, but for many years has proven thoroughly
efficient on engines doing all kinds of road or contract work and
plowing. In addition to the spring mounting of the boiler and
spring differential, the platform is mounted on springs, the
drawbar has a good strong one, and each of the guide chains has one
to give elasticity and to keep the chain taut.
– 1913 Case catalog