Dr. S. J. Raetz,. a physician of Maple Lake, Minnesota 55358,
has loaned us half a dozen photographs of Case equipment in use,
with a copy of the commemorative booklet issued on the J. I. Case
Co. celebration of its hundredth anniversary in 1942.
The celebration thus occurred 42 years ago, and we figure that
in eight years1992 the firm will be marking its 150th birthday.
Dr. Raetz, who sent us the photos and booklet, said he did so at
the suggestion of one of our Minnesota subscribers. Dr. Raetz
worked for Case, starting in the mailing room of the mailing room
of the main office nearly 60 years ago.
One of the photos appears to be an actual use of a Case for
threshing in the field, while the others show an engine in action
before an audience sitting in a temporary grandstand. If you were
present, why not let us hear of your recollections?
The commemorative booklet has a print on its cover, reproduced
from one done about 1857, showing the J. I. Case factories. It
includes a photo of Jerome Increase Case, an engraving of the first
Eagle trade mark, 1865, and other pictures and information.
We like one of the songs in the booklet, titled ‘A Century
of Progress with Case’. Remember that this was composed while
the U.S. was involved in World War II. Here it is, in entirety:
Let’s go back in history to fourteen ninety two.
When this land was wild and grand and acres tilled were few.
Christopher Columbus took a look around the place.
And said the job’s too big for me I’ll go get Mr.
But Chris did not get back again nor any of his crew.
And Mr. Case didn’t start his place ’till eighteen forty
We’re here to celebrate tonight one hundred years of work done
And point with pride to things we’re going to do.
Yes the same American Eagle that’s the pride of Uncle
Is the father of Case Eagle that is stamped on Case’s
One bird rules a mighty land, the home of liberty.
The other symbolizes products built by workmen free.
Now men of Case we must replace some tools of peace for war.
So we again can ship our goods to any foreign shore.
And the wheels of the democracies free wheeling enterprise.
Is the only kind of axis power we’ll ever recognize.