Sec., 635 So. Main St., Urbana, Ohio 43078
The semi-annual membership meeting of The Miami Valley Steam
Threshers was held on Sunday, October 29, 1967. A pot luck dinner
was enjoyed at the noon hour followed by a business meeting
presided over by the president. Report from our auditing committee
disclosed that the 1967 show was probably the most successful ever
As recommended by the nominating committee the following
officers were elected for the coming year.
George Edinger, Urbana, Ohio, President; Lloyd Kramer, Eaton,
Ohio, Vice-President; John E. Logan, Urbana, Ohio, Secretary; E. L.
Wilkins, Cable, Ohio, Treasurer; Robert E. Price, Logansport, Ind.,
At the suggestion of our chaplain a new office to be known as
chairman of the board was placed before the membership and Lawrence
H. Little, former secretary, was elected to fill this office. All
board members present, as well as the officers, were duly installed
and their duties explained.
Our show for the coming year will be held at the Champaign
County Fair grounds and the dates will be July 19th through 21st.
We will make every effort to have for you the finest reunion
possible and would ask that you remind your friends and mark your
calendar now.