I dreamed a funny thing the other day. The wind was blowing
hard, as it did on several days this winter. What looked like an
undermounted Avery was on the other side of the sheet. The wind was
blowing so hard that it tipped the Avery over on its left side
wheels so that I thought it would fall over and I would have to go
out and right it. The engine must have been a dummy made of
flakes are having their fling today, March 3, 1971.
About everything is closed, schools, etc. I think the wind could
have its day by upsetting an Avery undermounted. You may not have
thought it funny but I did when it stayed in my mind so
I am glad to announce to you that the National Geographic
Society just brought out a new book called ‘Those Inventive
Americans.’ It is a wonderful book full of facts not found
elsewhere. It has a colored picture of our good friends from
Winston-Salem. The picture is of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Idol with
their steam sewing machine. If you get into a large book store and
want to see it, you will find it on page 36. I gaze long and often
at it. I sometimes wonder if we appreciate many of the exhibits we
see at the shows. The Idols exhibited at nearly all the shows in
the East. They were quite an attraction. I hope we have more of
them. Don’t hurry past a good exhibit, it has some worth.
Hi! Nancy here. Things are finally reaching some semblance of
order here in the office and although I still haven’t mastered
the ‘lingo’ I’m at least keeping my ‘head above the
water.’ Everyone here has been just wonderful. Thanks to all of
you who have sent in words of encouragement for me.
V. H. Stroud of Hutchinson, Kansas, wrote in pointing out the
September-October 1970 issue carried the wrong number and thought
it may be a big help to collectors if we passed on the correct
information. This issue should have been numbered Volume 25, No. 1,
not Volume 25, No. 6.
Attention! Gas Engines Clubs in Ohio! James King, 1105 Carbon
Street, Freemont, Ohio 43420, would like to know of your
whereabouts. Write him, won’t you please.
Mr. Walter A. Owens, 143 Colonia Blvd., Rahway, New Jersey
07065, is interested in acquiring plans for building small steam
engines and boilers, i.e. horizontal engine of 1′ bore and
1′ stroke and a boiler for 1 or 2 lbs. of steam.
Congratulations to Mr. Earl Grice of Mankato, Minnesota. He
informs us he recently bought a ‘real size steam railroad
engine No. 29 from the Duluth & Northeastern R.R. at Cloquet,
Minnesota.’ He states it is a 1944 model Lima 0-6-0 which was
built for the U.S. Army and weighs 93 ton when empty. It’s in
good condition and operates well as he has had it steamed up twice
We even get letters from the Army! Mark Peterson, whose present
address is 1309 – 79th St., Apt. 2, Newport News, Virginia 23605,
writes and tells us he still has eight months to go until his
‘hitch’ is up and will then be rushing back home to
Illinois. In the meantime he is trying to find a Montgomery Wards
tractor. He writes ‘I understand this tractor was built for
Wards by the B. F. Avery Co. of Louisville, Kentucky from 1941 to
1951. It had a fluid drive transmission and was powered by a
Chrysler industrial flathead six. I know this isn’t a very old
tractor but I am finding them extremely scarce and in my search for
one that’s not been tractor pulled, I haven’t found any in
that category. Problem is that the few that are around,
‘tractor puller’s’ buy them and then the price goes sky
high on them.’ Can anyone help this soldier out?
Mrs. Charles U. Archer writes there have been many answers to
the ad her now deceased husband had placed in the January-February
issue. ‘He has received many requests for list, price, etc. As
I am unable to do this at present, I am hoping to receive help from
some one. Then I will place a new ad in the Iron Men Album
at a later date. Thank his friends for all nice acquaintances he
has had in many years.’ If you were one of those who answered
Mr. Archer’s ad, please be patient, you will receive an answer
sometime in the near future.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE – We have just rented a post office box
and would appreciate if if everyone would send their mail to our
new address P. 0. Drawer ‘A’ instead of 808
Wertzville Road. Your complete cooperation will be greatly
appreciated not only by us but also all those great people at the
Enola Post Office.
REMEMBER – Subscriptions for both Gas and Iron Men are being
accepted for only one year. Please, please, do not renew for more
than one year at a time. Renewals in excess of one year will only
be returned.
Thought provoker of the day Easy sold is sometimes hard to
collect. William Feather.