We have been attending local reunions, much to our pleasure. The
New York Show was wonderful. The drive up the finger lakes is a
treat in itself. They had a large crowd and a good showing of
engines. Engines you don’t see at other shows. For instance;
Lange & Button, Birdsell, S.W. Wood, Messenger, etc. Their show
of miniatures is the largest we have seen at any show and the
Rough and Tumble was next. They had record attendance and a
large display of gas and steam engines. The big new barn is a
wonderful improvement. reason why Hageber sold both company
threshing rigs.
The 13 Hp. return flue water front steam dome straw burner
Phoenix bought new by Johnson Bros. in 1883 and now owned by Mr.
Lang of Hector, Minnesota. This engine has the flywheel on the left
side, is chain drive and cylinder in the rear Marsh Rivers
There were many 13 Hp. Phoenix return flue engines built but
they had the flywheel on the right hand side, link reverse gear and
had no steam dome and this one has a steam dome. All the spokes in
the drive wheels and front wheels were crossed. Bull gear teeth on
the inside.
Mr. Hageber’s big success was his German language around
here as so many people were German and from Germany at that time.
All the Bohemains that were among the German could speak
Fraternally yours, Steam Engine Joe T. Rynda
Berryville is a new show and much to recommend it. Geiser 120
H.P. Traction Engine and the 1885 Greencastle Engine were featured.
Also Mr. Brandt’s Huber. Mr. Charles Hope made it interesting
with his announcing.
Mason Dixon was in their new location, Westminster, Maryland. To
use a Biblical quotation we would say it is ‘beautiful for
situation’. We had trouble locating it, but they tell me that a
new highway will skirt the ground. We had a very nice time. Mr.
Dayton Nichols was the announcer.
Then Arcadia, Maryland. This is an managed. The weather was
windy and very cool with a hurricane passing on the east coast. A
large display of steam and gas engines. The Carroll Township High
School machine training department had a wonderful variety of
miniature steam engines running at both Westminster and Arcadia.
They deserve great admiration and praise.