Here we are in 1967We wish and pray the best of everything to
all of you good readers.
I guess I had better make a report of myself. I am just doing
fine. Perhaps you know I am troubled with sugar and you can guess
the diet I am on. I am just hungry all the time. I I wish I could
sit down to your table and do what I want to do. But I guess never
lot of that.
Mrs. Ritzman lost her mother just before Christmas and my flare
up has made her a nervous wreck, so to speak. She is taking the
month of January off from her teaching to try to catch up. Because
of this we did not get one Christmas Greeting sent to anybody.
Please pardon us.
Mr. Stoner, our kind printer, is giving us an idea of who is
making the Magazine in his articles. I think this is fine. When you
get this way you will want to stop and see the Plant and meet the
folks. You will be welcome I am sure.