Somebody wrote us last year and suggested that Reunions that
publish a booklet or program concerning the Reunion with pictures
of their engines and activities so state in the advertisement of
the Reunion with the price, postpaid of the booklet. A lot of
people who cannot attend would like to follow you in print.
We have had several booklets sent to us which we cherish and
There are two men who have passed co the Great Beyond the past
year that I was closely associated and I want to say a word of
praise of them. They are Gilbert Enders, West Lodi, Ohio and Bruce
Bunting of Burlington, New Jersey. Enders was a good engine man as
well as a machine man. His engines were always in order, and he had
several. Mr. Bunting was of the saw mill order. He gave his mill to
Kinzers Reunion. He was a very helpful man wherever needed. He had
a lengthy illness. These men will be missed.
We had a lot of 2, 3 and 5 year subscriptions come in the past
three months. We get a lot of renewal slips in magazines that
should not be there. First, we all make mistakes. 2, We often have
new help and they do not always understand.
If there is no mark, mostly, red, on the little flap of the
envelope then forget it, we goofed. If there is a mark on the flap,
write us as we likely made a mistake. No need to look up check
numbers or receipts just tell us you paid. We are not hard to get
along with.
A great many write a separate check for the Album and the Gas
Magazine. It is the same outfit and one check will do the job. The
Stemgas Publishing Co. covers magazines and books.
The Elmer Schaefer’s had us in for dinner before we went to
Ohio. Our two Elmer’s never seem to tire of Steam Engine talk
and of course that gives us women a free evening to enjoy each
Mrs. Amos Brandt seems to be recovering slowly but nicely from
her operation. We visited in their home last week. She is getting
her old spirits back to go to this summers’ Engine Shows. We
sure are praying for her. Amos and my hubby certainly had the
‘steam up’ as well as we women.
Mine has just about run down for now so I’ll say