We were wanting to say a compliment about Mr. Waters Historical
article in the Nov.-Dec. issue concerning the Greencastle engine
when a letter came in from Mr. Frank L. McGuffon, 3531 Tea St., N.
W. Washington, D. C. 20007. It said what we wanted to say so we
quote it here
‘While it is unusual for me to write comments on an article
on pages 3, 4 and 5 by Mr. William U. Waters, Jr. of Damascus, Md.,
20750 deserves a comment.
In my opinion, I think Mr. Waters wrote an excellent article
which showed him to be as thorough with his writing as he was in
restoring his engine, and the cover page reveals his master touch
in restoring a priceless gem.
You have some pretty good writers for your magazine and I get
quite a kick out of Joe Fahnestocks articles. Hope you keep him on
your staff.’
We have our Magazines zip coded. We had 2 to 5 ladies working
six weeks to get the work done. We hope you get your Magazine
sooner because of this work. I think you will.
We are happy that our genial printer, Uncle Jake, takes an
interest in our work and does an article for us. His side of the
story is always interesting and mostly true. It is wonderful to
have such a printer and it makes a little better Magazine.