We find it a necessity to increase the price of the subscription
of the magazines to our Canadian subscribers. This is because of
postal rates, paper, wages and difference in the dollar value.
After July 1st, 1968 it will be $3.50 to Canada. All subscriptions
paid before this time will be accepted at $3.00.
We still have trouble getting the expiration sheets in the
so easy to do. One thing if you find a red mark on the envelope
flap inside and you think you should not have had a notice then
write us. That would mean there is likely to be a mistake on our
books. Otherwise ignore it as some one has made a mistake in
putting the magazine in the envelope and it will be all O.K. as
time goes on.
Because of illness we have moved the office to 808 Wertzville
Road and the telephone is 732-2023. Please use this number and
telephone for prompt service. We thank you for bearing with us in
these trying times.
The New Florida Show seems to have come off with Flying Colors.
As we write this, March 12th we just had another snow. It came
in the night and I was not up to see what direction it came from
hence I am uncertain who to blame it on. If I knew I would not
speak to him again.
Mr. C. F. Long of No. 7 Rd., Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand
sent us a calendar with color photos of that beautiful country. We
have marked the paydays on it and our office force is being paid by
New Zealand calendar. It seems to work well, Thanks C. F.
In some of my reading of the early settlement of our country I
came across this interesting statement.
‘Some Western homesteaders acquired steam powered farm
machines before they were able to enjoy the benefits of
steam-powered rail transportation. In December, 1870, a settler
near Hell Gale, Montana wrote to the Wood, Taber & Morse
Company, Eaton, New York. ‘Your engine is a rare sight in these
mountains. Some of the old mountaineers have come down the valley
and camped for two or three days to see the machine and listen to
the whistle of my agricultural steam engine.’