(The writer did not sign his name, but the address was Frandale
Farm, 5815 Upper Valley Pike, Dayton, Ohio 45424.)
Twenty-five Dayton, Ohio, area Engine Collectors and their wives
had a winter meeting on 13 December 1970, at the home of Colonel
and Mrs. Norm Stuckey. It was very enjoyable talking to old friends
from the various engine shows and meeting the several new
Each collector gave a brief account of his recent engine
activities and told of any new additions to his collection. Howard
Yoder presented colored slides of exhibits and other items taken at
engine shows during the last eight years. Stanley Mack brought
International Harvester books for everyone to see and said that he
would try to get his serial number/year of manufacture list
duplicated for all of the engine collectors present. Ervin
Rismiller, the Fordson man, brought some interesting books. Milton
Deets informed the group that the engine show was being moved from
Urbana to London, Ohio, next year. Charles Maxson added that some
engines would participate in Urbana’s Pioneer Days
The group hopes to meet periodically and have a free exchange of
ideas and hopes are that complete lists of serial numbers showing
year of manufacture for all tractors and engines can be acquired.
The problem of proper decals was discussed, and a letter to the
John Deere Tractor Works brought a rewarding response. Some
collectors would like an enclosed building at a local show ground
for keeping engines the year around.
In the evening came the best part of the meeting when a coop
covered dish dinner was brought out by the ladies. It was a perfect
way to end a most enjoyable get-together.