Is your house cleaning all finished? Are you planning what to
have for Thanksgiving dinner and when each chore will get done?
Marsha was home over the weekend, the last until Thanksgiving. I
work up until the very last day so we have it all arranged. She is
to be my shopper on Wednesday. This is good experience for her and
she enjoys doing it too.
We expect to have the pleasure of our daughter Ruth (the
Gilsons) and family here from Ohio. Davie’s folks. They
haven’t been here since early Spring so we all look forward to
their coming. We hope it doesn’t snow.
We had a nice surprise last week. The Dayton Nichols from N.Y.
State stopped soon after I came home from school on Friday. It was
a joy to have them at least stay for dinner, but they insisted they
had to be journeying on that night to a further destination. We are
so happy his operation is an apparent success. We hope for him a
complete recovery.
The following evening we got a glimpse of them again when we all
attended the Stewartstown (Early American) Banquet.
This was quite a Gala affair as in other years. The food was
plentiful and delicious. We en loved seeing our many friends once
Last night we got lost and arrived a little late but we ate
another delicious meal and had a very entertaining evening with the
Rough and Tumble Group (Lancaster County, Pa.). We had never been
to this particular Restaurant and it was dark. We read the signs
backwards (you try that sometime) We had to retrace our tracks
several miles. It was all worth our effort. Then too I never had
the pleasure of so many people singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to
me. Thanks!
I missed seeing the Petersons from Florida this week. Shucks! My
hubby had a short visit with them in our home while I was at work.
Hope they stop again when I am here.
This week has been a very busy one for me On Tue.. I helped with
our church supper, Thursday I entertained my Sunday School class at
home. So my week has been a full one climaxing it with a visit from
our Gal and the Banquet. Elmer preached in his old home church as
the pastor was in the Hospital. Davie and I took Marsha back to
school. You see we don’t let much grass grow under
anybody’s feet here.
Have a pleasant. and Blessed Holiday each and every one of you,
plus a wonderful New Year.