Hi Ladies !
If I wouldn’t be the Editor’s Sweet Heart I’d be
fired for sure by now! I’m always on the tail end getting this
article finished.
It doesn’t seem possible that it’s the middle of May.
Does it? By the time you read this school will be over – – Thank
finished, but anxious to start anew in the Fall.
We were very sorry to learn of our close friend, Vic Winter
mantel’s sudden passing this month. He was one fine man. Our
whole family looked forward to his visits with us when his work
brought him to this territory. Memories of such will linger
Our deepest sympathy goes out to his family.
Just about a month from now we’ll be meeting some of you
fine folks in Ohio. We are looking forward to it and hope you are
Elmer said ‘make it short’, so he’s the boss and
we’ll be seeing you soon !