It seems it’s almost time to be greeting any of you
personally again. Isn’t that wonderful? We are really looking
forward to Reunions and what they bring making new friends as well
as clasping the hands of old ones.
Marsha and I are both tying up our loose ends at school, perhaps
in different manners, but both are very anxious at this time of
She came home this week with proofs of her picture in her school
year book. I just can’t believe she has next year and then her
free schooling is at an end. This is for what all parents strive to
see them mature and develop into fine adults and good citizens.
There can’t help but be a little heart ache to accompany the
joy at the close of this phase of their life. I realize I’m not
telling any of you mothers, especially, anything you haven’t
already experienced yourselves if your children are out of
Elmer is very busy these days working in the yard and trying to
get the Magazine out to you.
This past week he started pulling our traveling equipment out of
storage and discussing his plans for it and our trip. So I know it
can’t be too far away.
Just recently we had nice but too short visit with the
Shaffer’s of Yoke and the Conleys of Etters both of Pa. It is
always nice to have them drop in. We are expecting Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Idol and daughter, Verda J and from Winston-Salem N. Car.,
the first week in June. We are hoping to keep their Gal with us
while they travel to N.Y. state. So you can see why School
adjournment can’t come too soon for us. All these pleasant
dreams to anticipate.
We journeyed with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Glessner (Roy is our
cartoonist) last eve. We went to an antique Show in Hanover, Pa.
Our boys treated us to a nice dinner at a restaurant near
We all enjoy just browsing. Once in a while one of us thinks he
sees something that would fit into a certain corner in our Castle.
Our weakness gets the best of us and we have a package to carry to
the car. A goodly number of you met Roy several years past at
Pontiac and Mt. Pleasant, when he accompanied Elmer.
His wife, Naomi, is just as fine a woman as he is a man. They
became proud Grandparents to a little blue bundle several weeks
ago. We all share in their happiness. They deserve only the best
because they are the best. We enjoy their company so much and just
wish you all could know them as we do.
I’ll say so long for now
We hope to be seeing a large number of you soon.