Hi ladies
I just read what my husband has written about our summer and
visits to the reunions. I can and will say ditto to his remarks and
try to add a female angle.
As I have said previously, we women enjoy the fellowship more
than the en-engines, if we wish to tell the truth. Of course, we
acquainted. Ill let him tell that side of our experiences and
I’ll lean more toward the social half.
The Charles Idol’s from North Carolina arrived the day
before we all journeyed to the Canandaigua show. It all began with
the Elmer Schaeffer’s joining us on the morning of our
departure. We six had breakfast at the restaurant here in Enola. We
took two cars since the Idols had their sewing machine and steam
engine along to use up at the reunion. It was delightful having the
Idols visit us before and after the show.
We saw many friends and it was like old home week at the motel
to hear each other.
One we were most thrilled to see and visit with again, after her
long seize of illness, was Mrs. Amos Brandt from Bainbridge,
Pennsylvania. God bless her and may she continue to improve. To
know her is to love her.
Since we did not have our own stand, the Martin Peterson’s
from Florida took us under their wing and we used their model stand
for our focal point to gather. We appreciated them and their
hospitality along with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Dayton
Once again most of us gathered down at Berryville, Virginia for
their show. We are most grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hope from
Virginia for playing host to us during our visit. Mr. and Mrs.
William Clem from Manassas, Virginia helped too. Their dinner was
delicious. It was good to meet and get to know, among others, the
president and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Giles. The note we
received from them after returning home was quite nice and gracious
on their part. Thanks to all.
It was down there that I learned that Mrs. William Strayed from
Dillsburg had been in the hospital, but was able to join us also.
We’re glad for her and hope she continues to improve.
One of the highlights at the Kinzer reunion was chat Mrs. Elmer
Schaeffer and I had the pleasure of riding Amos Brandt’s Huber
in the parade. Jimmy, the grandson, was our engineer which made it
a double treat. Our hobby won’t go out of existence as long as
we have youngsters like him. With those looks he’ll break some
gals heart in the future. Look out gals.
As to the show itself, it surely was bigger and better than
We were more happy to have Mr. and Mrs. Martin Peterson stop
overnight with us on their way down south. They are just the finest
Shucks, I was cheated out of the last few shows my hubby
attended because of a few old gall stones. But only after a 10 day
stay in the hospital, I’m beginning to feel fit as a fiddle
again. My wings have been clipped a little as I’m not allowed
to drive for another month.
Again many of you fine friends knew about this and I received
oh, many, many cards, flowers, and thoughtful gestures. Thanks.
It was kind of Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Nichols to stop to see us on
their way back home this week.
Elmer and I can’t show our gratitude enough toward Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Schaeffer. She has helped us so much at these reunions
this summer when and where we were unable to take care of
ourselves. Then too, they are such a congenial company to visit.
Humor and wholesome spirit is needed in every phase of life, and
she has certainly proven a delightful co-worker and friend. Thanks
to him also for allowing her to share herself with us so much when
he had to work.
This does not mean we do not appreciate all of our other
co-workers as much, because we surely do. Without each and every
one of you, our little magazine could not continue. It is just that
we personally do not get to see or work side by side with the
others, as with Pauline. Thus, we haven’t had quite as many
experiences together.
Again, thanks for a job well done to each one.
Perhaps now that the shows are about over, we’ll see some of
you at your fall banquets.
May all your successes continue.
The Mississippi Valley Steam Power Show will not be held this
year because Highway 61 past the farm is closed until November
10th. The show will be held June 14, 15 and 16 in 1968. Oats and
Wheat are in stacks and will be held over. Another large plowing
engine a 40 H. P. Rumely will be taking turns pulling the 14 bottom
plow, along with the 110 Case and 40 Undermounted Avery. Much new
equipment has been added and five more traction engines including
two small 6 H.P. engines. See you in June! Justin J. Hingtgen,
President, Box 8, LaMotte, Iowa 52054.