Hi Ladies!
Is it possible that this could be the middle of July? But oh!
we’ve had a pleasant Summer so far.
Our attendance at the Montpelier, Ohio Reunion as usual proved
very delightful. The heat wave that accompanied us there certainly
did not cool the enthusiasm of the Reunioners any.
We had the privilege of visiting with the Wiedmore’s and
Enders while staying with our daughter and family at Seville, Ohio
a few days before the Reunion started.
The Enders is an annual affair for us. They know to look for us
a day or two prior to the Reunion. ‘Gib’ had his 9HP Case
steamed up for us. Mr. Orman Kiser came the same day which is an
annual occurence. Elmer had the privilege of taking his youngest
Grandson, Ronald Gilson, a ride on the engine, he is just 19 months
old. Gib gave him his first ride last year and a good ride this
year. Mrs. Catherine Enders is certainly a fine person to know too.
Her hospitality cannot be excelled. She is always the same pleasant
individual who never seems to be able to do enough to make our
visit enjoyable.
Another eve our auto jaunt took us to the Wiedmore’s. These
folks proved to be just as hospitable. The men enjoyed visiting and
examining the Russell standing at the back fence while we women
folks enjoyed moments of exchanging facts about our families fond
of flowers. Her gracious generosity enabled us to bring home an
unusual flower to try and raise in our own back yard a cactus that
stays out doors and blooms in the Summer. It was lovely and I truly
hope it grows for us too.
The Early American Reunion was not slighted on a heat wave
either this year. We were there a day this year. It was very nice,
but oh!, so hot!
Elmer is reading maps now to take us to Winston Salem nad attend
the Reunion at Boone next week. Our travels never cease, but we
both love it.
Until we see you again by mail or in person keep smiling and I
hope you too have a delightful Summer.