Hi! Ladies! Thanks to the man upstairs, almost enough steam in
my boiler again to go full speed ahead.
We were able to attend the Stewarts-town fine banquet several
weeks ago. It was a pleasure to have one of our secretaries, Iren
Gertzen, accompany us. She too enjoyed meeting the lovely folks
there, interested in our hobby. The food was delicious, the evening
Last week-end proved to be another big one. The Elmer
Schaeffer’s and we journeyed to Berryville, Virginia for their
banquet. The food was wonderful and as much as you desired. We
certainly saw history in the making when they voted and elected for
the first time, their set of officers for this coming year. We wish
you great success in all your undertakings down there.
After staying in a motel in the city overnight, we journeyed on
to Manassas on Sunday. This trip was not pre-planned, but a spur of
the moment decision. It was such a beautiful day and as Pauline
said at breakfast, ‘We’d get home too early’. The
Charles Hope’s had invited us also to visit, but we felt we
didn’t care to drive that much in city traffic or that far. We
surprised the William Clem’s about noon. We hadn’t even
bothered calling, so we were their guests at a very nice
restaurant. Again we had too much to eat, but oh, it was fun. This
is the reason our waistlines do not decrease. The Virginian’s
sure do know how to be hospitable.
This is a small world now. While we were traveling down that
way, our daughter Marcia, who is a senior this year in college,
came home from Lock Haven. She journeyed on to New Jersey with a
car load of women to attend a classmates wedding shower. We
didn’t get to see much of her last week. This is part of
growing up. We each go, most of the time, our own directions which
is as you wish it to be. It doesn’t seem possible that
she’ll be out teaching next year this time.
We have been happy to have folks from far and wide stop and
visit us and the Korn Krib. Among them are Bob Gregory, Colorado;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warnock, Illinois; Florence Warnock and Mrs.
Ruth Richmond, Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs.
Marlin Fletcher and families, all from Caledonia, New York; Mr. and
Mrs. William Baldwin, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brandt also gave us the honor of their
presence in our home several Sunday’s past. The Harvest
Centerpiece she made and brought me was simply lovely. It dons our
dining room table now. Anyone of you folks coming near this way,
please stop and enjoy it with us.
Our holidays are surely getting closer in a hurry it seems but I
love it, don’t you. It is such a good feeling. I wish we could
carry it in our hearts all year long. This will be the last I talk
with you until they pass. May you and yours have a joyous holiday
season and the best year yet.