Hi Folks: If you noticed, I have changed my greeting since Elmer
is no longer here to help us with the magazine. I am attempting a
big project. I would like to include everyone.
I have been encouraged by so many of you to continue and this
was Elmer’s wish too.
Nancy Asper, our secretary did not seem to enjoy her work with
A wonderful business teacher, Mrs. Bertha Graham, came to our
rescue until our new staff member arrives on August 1. Her name is
Mrs. Gertrude Graffius.
Our other two regular part-time secretaries just happened to be
on vacation also, which made things a little hectic around here for
a few weeks.
I know there will be mistakes, but please excuse our
shortcomings. Let us know and if it is possible, we will try to
right any wrongs.
Our daughter Marsha had her wedding plans completed before the
passing of her father. We proceeded regardless as Elmer would have
wanted. It took place in our little Methodist Church here in Enola,
June 18. She now has the name of Mrs. Earl Wingard. He is better
known around home as Bud. They are living only a few miles from
here which is nice for me.
Some of you folks had the privilege of meeting my new Son out at
Again I needed help to make the trip since Mrs. Sheaffer’s
father passed away the day prior to our leaving. They offered to go
with me and I was most grateful to them. Perhaps we can get another
member of the family interested in steam or gas engines. He said he
enjoyed the experience.
Anna Mae Branyan gave more time to our work and spent several
days in the office to help keep us going.
Mrs. Helen Smith, who helps in the bindery department each
month, and my sister, Mrs. Claire Greider, also came to aid us for
a few days. As for myself, other than attending the reunion at
Wauseon, Ohio, I have been in the office since school closed.
I was delighted to make that trip. It was so nice to see our
many old friends and greet new ones. The weather was hot, but it
surely did not hamper the spirit of the many fine folks who joined
Both Mr. and Mrs. Art Craft from Toledo, Ohio, were most helpful
and gracious to me while there. To know them makes one have faith
in human kindness and understanding.
Mrs. William Strayer from Dillsburg, Pennsylvania, who
accompanied her husband to the show, had a stroke since her return
home. I am sorry to have to write this but since a number of you
folks know them, I thought you may wish to send her a card. She is
in the Polyclinic Hospital, North Third Street, Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania, Room 148. She is improving and expects to start
therapy this week. May all our prayers help her if it is God’s
Mrs. Janis Hostler and Mrs. Doris Michael, part-time
secretaries, have returned from their vacations and are going full
steam ahead to get the IRON-MEN ALBUM to you now.
I expect to visit more reunions this summer and hope to see some
of you.
Please note we have changed our mailing address to our home
address 808 Wertzville Road, Enola, Pennsylvania, since it is more
convenient for everyone concerned.
With your help and tolerance, because it is OUR MAGAZINE, I will
aim to continue the same policies Elmer had in carrying on this
work. I pray the Good Man is looking over our shoulders to guide