3302 Sharon Ave., Cincinnati 41, Ohio
Dear Elmer:
Enclosed a little item about ‘hot air’ engines. I note
that you have carried pictures of the larger ones from time to
time. I felt that some of your readers might want to make one for
I have got many hours of solid pleasure out of the ones that I
have made. Gave them to my children, grand-children and to some
close friends. If there is a charge for running this item, send me
the bill. I will pay it. Also might want to condense it and run it
as an ad. Have a machinist who makes parts for me that will make
them for the trade.
Respectfully, Walter N. Huff
Here is a cute little ‘Hot Air’ engine that the average
handyman can throw together at a very nominal cost, and in a very
few hours. A soldering iron or torch, a pair of tin snips, electric
drill and ordinary shop tools are all that is needed to do the job.
A couple of tin cans and some other little odds and ends that can
be had at any modern hardware store, will cost less than $6.00,
paying top retail prices.
Runs nicely on fuel alcohol or ‘canned heat’. Will get
hot enough to run in less than two minutes and will turn up to 500
rpm. It is a very interesting conversation piece and is fascinating
to young and old alike. Engineers have asked ‘What makes it
Generating cylinder is 1 brass (tail-pipe) used under sink or
washbowl, length 5′. Gland made from 1 iron pipe plug.
Displacer piston fabricated of thin aluminum sheet,
13/8‘ 3′ long. 1’ stroke.
Power cylinder is copper water pipe. Piston machined from
3/8‘ iron pipe, cap. stroke.
Disc is sawed from 1′ shaft, ‘ wide. Crankshaft is
3/16 welding rod. Flywheel, 10 oz., a pulley
from a toy or can be ordered from a model engine supply house.
3′ diameter. Connecting rods, 1/8 and
1/16 brass welding rod.
Tin cans are: one pint size with screw cap generally used for
fuel alcohol, turpentine or J-wax. Burner is made from top of J-wax
can. Fire box made from bug spray can. (Be sure pressurized can is
exhausted before drilling or cutting.)
If any of your readers should decide to build one of these
little engines and need more detailed information, please feel free
to write to me. I will answer all letters. Enclose self-addressed,
stamped envelope. Walter Huff, 3302 Sharon Ave., Cincinnati 41,