Also on the scene was Clarence Dubby of Sioux Falls, South
Dakota with his John Jenkins special, a five horse model steam
engine, pulling a model Avery Separator from Harrisburg, South
Dakota. I am sorry that I don’t have the owners name. The
separator really shows fine workmanship and took three years to
make. It is perfect in every way and does a fine job of threshing.
about 3 feet long, and complete in every way.
Wallace Palm of Palm Chevrolet Co., Flandreau, South Dakota, got
in contact with and arranged an antique car show which attracted
much attention. There were several old gas and oil tractors and an
18 inch, hand feed threshing machine with straw carrier owned by
Joe Habager of Madison, South Dakota. Also, a feed mill with a
stone roller and a stone back concave made of Jasper granite rock,
manufactured about 80 to 90 years ago and put back in working order
by John W. Meyers of Flandreau, to where it did a good job of
Mr. A. L. Storer is a live stock dealer and trucker of 40 years
and was raised in the community. Mr. Rude is a deep well driller of
this area and has been in the business for 38 years. Mr. Rude is
the first licensed airplane pilot of Flandreau and still holds a
valid pilot certificate.
Prizes of $15.00 were given by the Civic & Commerce of
Flandreau to the oldest person attending the show and it was Mrs.
Thorson of Flandreau who was 92 years of age. The person coming the
further rest to see the show was from Lead, South Dakota where the
worlds largest and richest gold mines are, for a distance of 400
miles and received the $10.00 prize. The Flandreau High School Band
played many numbers for the visitors. There also was an old time
orchestra for the older folks which received many favorable
comments. There were two lunch stands on the grounds which had lots
of good food to offer and also free pony rides for the kids.