By Boyd Headrick
Published on March 1, 1964
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This is my steam Lizzy, a 1937 Ford Chassis with a 30 gallon water tank, Clark boiler and the coal bunker is under the front seat. The engine is from King Bens Railroad at Benton Harber, Michigan. It has a 3 x 6 Baker Valve Gear. It ran on a 15 inch track
This is my steam Lizzy, a 1937 Ford Chassis with a 30 gallon water tank, Clark boiler and the coal bunker is under the front seat. The engine is from King Bens Railroad at Benton Harber, Michigan. It has a 3 x 6 Baker Valve Gear. It ran on a 15 inch track
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This is a Missouri-Pacific freight train, north-bound, leaving San Antonio near the municipal airport north of the city. It is a Berkshire engine with wheel arrangement of 2-8-4. It sure is a dandy sight to behold; but the diesel has now eliminated all of
This is a Missouri-Pacific freight train, north-bound, leaving San Antonio near the municipal airport north of the city. It is a Berkshire engine with wheel arrangement of 2-8-4. It sure is a dandy sight to behold; but the diesel has now eliminated all of

Also on the scene was Clarence Dubby of Sioux Falls, South
Dakota with his John Jenkins special, a five horse model steam
engine, pulling a model Avery Separator from Harrisburg, South
Dakota. I am sorry that I don’t have the owners name. The
separator really shows fine workmanship and took three years to
make. It is perfect in every way and does a fine job of threshing.

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