Route 1, Millersport, Ohio 43046
It seems almost unnecessary to say much about the extraordinary
durability of ‘Aultman-Taylor’ Threshing Machinery to
intelligent wide-awake people, as it is now about universally
admitted that it is the most durable made in the United States, and
that it withstands all kinds of weather and climates better than
enthusiastic manufacturer having an honest pride in his own goods
calculates the advancing merit of his work by estimating how
closely it approaches ‘Aultman-Taylor’ goods in material
and workmanship. It is to the wonderful durability of
Aultman-Taylor goods as much as to any other one feature that we
owe the distinction of our machine, as THE STANDARD THRESHER OF THE
VIBRATOR CLASS, a name and position now fully accorded to it. In
reading the following our friends and all other discriminating
persons should recollect that as Mr. Darling’s machine was the
first we ever built, and at that early day we were not familiar
with all the demands of the trade, nor able to tell exactly which
parts would require greatest strength and most enduring qualities.
Every year since has added to our knowledge, and our goods having
reached nearly all sections of the grain-producing world, we have
by adding each year ‘here a little and there a little,’ and
improving and strengthening at every point where needed, finally
reached our present practically undisputed reputation as the
builders of the standard threshing machinery of the Nineteenth
Century. We ask the intelligent and wide-awake money making class
of threshermen to read what the purchaser of the first
‘Aultman-Taylor’ Thresher has to say about it.
The back of card carries the message of approximately 1880
words, all old fashioned fine print. The first part of message,
words from Aultman Taylor ‘From All The Good Choose The
Best’. This is followed by a testimonial letter from N. R.
Darling about the thresher. Then another testimonial letter from
Darling, a year after the first one. He had switched from
horsepower to steam. (Note – we are printing the first part of
message – their copy is certainly different from advertising of
We do not think we say too much when we state that it is our
deliberate conviction that if we asked $50 more for a Thresher, $20
more for a Horse-Power, and $100 more for an Engine than we now do,
that our goods would still be (quality and durability considered)
much the cheapest in the market. Of course our profit on goods is
not so large as it would be if we built them at less cost, but by
our course in using only the best material and plenty of it and
sparing no work on our goods, we have built up our reputation
wherever threshing machinery is used, as the builders of the
STANDARD THRESHER of the VIBRATOR CLASS, as well as the leading
machine in the market.
Wherever Threshers, Horse Powers and Engines are used candid
observers (even if they are owners of other makes) acknowledge that
ours are the best, the least costly for repairs and most profitable
to own and run. Buy the ‘Aultman-Taylor’ and you will be
sure to have the best. Buy other makes and when you are delayed by
breakdowns (often when you should be making from $15 to $30 per
day), or paying out your hard earned cash for expensive repairs, or
when you see your machine wore out a year or two too soon, turn
around and buy an ‘Aultman-Taylor’. It is never too late to
learn, but by getting an ‘Aultman-Taylor’ at the start you
will save yourself much loss of time, vexation and waste of money.
Buy early in the season, though we are doing our best this year to
get out as many Threshers, Horse Powers and Engines as our trade
calls for. Please preserve this Photograph carefully, as it is a
photograph of the first ‘Aultman-Taylor’ Thresher ever
built (also of its owner, Mr. Darling), and as such cannot fail to
be an object of interest to every man running a threshing machine,
just as a photograph of the first steamboat or locomotive would now
be an interesting and valuable thing to own. This photograph was
taken in the Spring of 1879. The machine was built and sold in 1868
and had run eleven seasons.