He’s All Steamed Up About Engines For 50 Years a Labor of Love

By Dan Perry
Published on March 1, 1972
article image
Wm. C. Luss
TINKERING William C. Luss Sr., 79, puffs contentedly on his corn cob pipe while he tinkers with a shiny new engine he has built from scratch. On his workbench are several small gasoline and steam engines he put together with scrap metal. His hobby has l

This article appeared in the daily paper, The Buffalo Evening
News, Hamburg, New York 14075. We thank the Buffalo Evening News
for giving us permission to reprint the story and picture as it
appeared on June 30, 1970. We thank Wm. C. Luss, 44-50 S. Buffalo
St., Hamburg, N. Y. 14075 for sending it along.

The workshop at 50 S. Buffalo St. is a local landmark in the

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