Just a year ago I ventured for the first time to write a few
lines for the Album and somehow it has become a habit. I never know
what I might write about and nothing very exciting happens in my
life to write about.
This being the May-June issue you would think the weather would
be ideal but since we must have the material to the printer ahead
hope before long I can start Spring housecleaning, that is if I get
my work here caught up.
A few months ago a mistake was made in our office on a few
subscriptions. If you are a new subscriber, received one magazine
then had a notice that you expired, please write us and we will
adjust our records. Quite a few did write and we are sorry this
happened and will gladly correct the situation if you let us know.
Your subscription is paid a year ahead and at the beginning of the
new year, if you aren’t careful you forget to make the
subscriptions that way. At times a person has to stop and think
what year you are living in. I thought I would never get back to
We have received a few orders for records. I’m sorry we
don’t handle records. You write to Fahnestock Studio, Union
City, Indiana. Also you order the Reprint Catalogs from Mary Louise
Smith, 611 Darcy Avenue, Joliet, Illinois 60436. It only delays
your order a few days longer.
I was amused by a note Mr. John S. Beltz, Columbus, Ohio, had on
his renewal for the Album, he wrote, ‘In 1908 I would have had
to thresh 400 bushels of oats to make this payment.’ How true
that is. When I give my children a quarter for doing a little
chore, I always tell them in my childhood that would have been
unheard of. They just can’t imagine money being that scarce.
They just don’t know.
I have a few more ads to get ready before going to the printer
so will close with the hopes you are making plans now to take in a
few steam shows this summer.
So long for now, all you dear hearts and gentle people.