R.R. 3, Box 184 Valley Center, Kansas 67147
Who could possibly ask for anything more? A good shade tree to
nap under, a dog, and your steam engine close at hand. I would like
to tell you all the real truth concerning this peaceful looking
scene and just how it all transpired. Up until now it was a fact
known only to a few people that the fellow sleeping under this tree
trip from Valley Center, Kansas to Hutchinson, Minnesota to attend
the Heatwole Threshing Show. The most amazing part of this
particular feat was that it was accomplished in a 1972 Ford pickup
which has been known to have a few problems at times! His name is
Mahlon Giffin of Sedgwick, Kansasa name familiar to many of you
Tom and I drove our 1963 B Model Mack loaded with our 20 HP
Minneapolis steam traction engine plus Mahlon’s half-scale Case
model. Gary and Sharon Base of Sedgwick, Kansas also made the trip
with us this past summer. The plan was that the three vehicles were
going to travel together in case someone needed help. It soon
became apparent just which vehicle that was going to bebut I
won’t mention any names! As darkness approached we could no
longer see the familiar headlights of Mahlon’s pickup. So Tom
pulled the Mack over and by use of the CB we soon discovered that
the Ford was taking a fuel stop. We knew Gary and Sharon were
behind Mahlon, so we were not too concerned. We waited and waited.
It was getting very dark now and still no Mahlon or Gary. We
finally saw this yellow streak going by us and thought that must be
Mahlon. However, he did not stop so we thought it must have been
someone else. In a few more minutes Gary and Sharon pulled up and
confirmed the fact that Mahlon did take on fuel and that he was
ahead of them so it was Mahlon we saw! We traveled on a bit
farther, looking for the Ford in rest areas, etc. Finally we pulled
over and slept, all the time figuring Mahlon was doing the same
The boiler inspector was going to be at Jerry Wright’s place
about noon. We pulled into the yard at about that time. Guess who
was waiting for us? It seems Mahlon had been there since 7
o’clock just wondering where we had been. We have not heard the
end of that and I don’t think we ever will. The old Ford beat
the Mack to Heatwole! About that time Dick, Lee, and Mary Burd
pulled into the yard with their Case model, as did the Melvin
Joenks family of Greenville, Iowa. However, first things first my
sister had prepared a fantastic meal complete with home grown sweet
corn. After that, the engines were inspected!
It was a beautiful weekend to visit with family and friends in
this beautiful part of Minnesota. I am enclosing some photos of the
show and do hope that you readers will have time to attend Heatwole
Threshing Days this coming summer. It will be good to visit with
you. You will also have first-hand knowledge of just who made it to
Heatwole first!!