By Mrs. Dorothy B. Smith
Published on March 1, 1973
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Pictured above are two pictures which I hope the readers will enjoy.In the background is a 12 HP Case owned by Ray Klinger. It is a very nice running engine.
Pictured above are two pictures which I hope the readers will enjoy.In the background is a 12 HP Case owned by Ray Klinger. It is a very nice running engine.
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After the show, we took it over and rolled a 2 acre parking lot for the Kettle Maeine Steam Railway at North Lake, Wisconsin. One thing I would like to say is that the old Iroquois runs so nice you hate to shut it off. Courtesy of Joe Grivetz, 3920 N. 165
After the show, we took it over and rolled a 2 acre parking lot for the Kettle Maeine Steam Railway at North Lake, Wisconsin. One thing I would like to say is that the old Iroquois runs so nice you hate to shut it off. Courtesy of Joe Grivetz, 3920 N. 165

Forest Grove Trailer Park, Ontario, New York 14519

Story written by Mr. Dan Parks of Iowa State University and we
thank the newsletter folks of The Pioneer Engine Bugle for letting
us use it.)

The beginnings of the J. I. Case Company began in Williamstown,
N. Y. It was there that Jerome Increase Case was born to Baleb and

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