Le Sueur County Pioneer Power Association

By Dave Preuhs
Published on July 1, 1987
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1918 John Deere Dain Jr. stationary baler, and an 1898 Case hand feed separator in the background, both operate at the Le Sueur Show.
1918 John Deere Dain Jr. stationary baler, and an 1898 Case hand feed separator in the background, both operate at the Le Sueur Show.
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Rt 1, Box 139, LeCenter, MN, 56057.

Some of the beautiful and intricate models on display in
Miniaturel and at the Le Sueur County Pioneer Power Show.

The 13th annual LeSueur County Association Threshing Show was
held August 22, 23, & 24, 1986 at the club’s showgrounds
located 6 miles east of LeSueur, Minnesota.

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