Rt 1, Box 139, LeCenter, MN, 56057.
Some of the beautiful and intricate models on display in
Miniaturel and at the Le Sueur County Pioneer Power Show.
The 13th annual LeSueur County Association Threshing Show was
held August 22, 23, & 24, 1986 at the club’s showgrounds
located 6 miles east of LeSueur, Minnesota.
Once again, the show was termed ‘a success’, with the
number of gas engines, tractors, and steam engine exhibits up from
a year ago.
Our ever popular ‘Miniatureland’, headed up by John
Barklow Sr. and his son, John Jr. of St. Peter, Minnesota, has
added another building to accommodate the increasing number of
model gas and steam engines. Compressed air is piped into the
buildings so that many of the models are running. This year
Miniatureland included 85 model gas engines, 20 model steam
engines, equipment and building models, and over 400 toys. We are
proud to have one of the largest model exhibits of any show.
Eighteen acres of oats and winter wheat were threshed using 5
different machines, from a hand feed type to the large wing feeder
type. New for 1986 was the use of a wooden 4 roll Rosenthal corn
shredder. The Advance Rumely clover huller got the dust blown out
of it for the first time this year. Also new for 1986 was
cultivating corn with horses. After the grain shocks were picked up
around the 1st of August, a small field was plowed and planted to
corn so that by show time the corn plants were several inches tall
and could be cultivated with horses. Earlier planted corn was cut
during the show with a corn binder and used for cutting silage and
Also new was the operation of the large stationary steam
generator. A huge return flue boiler was donated to the club and a
42 foot smokestack erected and we were in business. John Hiniker
and Harold Thompson of Mankato, Minnesota masterminded this
operation and did an excellent job. All the engine needs now is
paint and a building over it, which I’m sure will be completed
in the near future.
‘You been collectin’ long?’ This picture was taken
on the steps of the Miniatureland building at the Le Sueur County
Stack threshing winter wheat using a 1913 36×60 Red River
Special separator, using steam engines for power at the Le Sueur
County Pioneer Power Show.
In the spring of 1986, the city of LeSueur donated to us a large
3-cylinder diesel engine and generator out of their power house. It
is a Mclntosh & Seymour diesel built in Auburn, New York. The
engine was installed in 1929 and was the first diesel engine used
in LeSueur to provide electricity. The engine was removed from the
power house and moved to the showgrounds in June. Fifty-two yards
of concrete was poured for a base and hopefully this engine will be
running within the next year or so. The specifications of this
engine are: bore 17 inch stroke 25 inch, 375 HP at 225 RPM, 8 foot
flywheel weighing 27,000 lbs. The total weight of the entire engine
is 64 tons.
Our 5 acres of shade trees provide ample room for ‘gas
engine grove’, the sawmill, and the many other varied working
The parade (Saturday and Sunday), church services, musical
entertainment, ladies activities, childrens barnyard, and good food
rounded out the weekend.
Thanks to everyone who helped make our 1986 show another
success. A special thank you to our non-member exhibitors who
travel a great distance to attend. They receive free admission,
free camping, and a brass plaque.
Our 1987 show dates are August 28, 29, & 30, 1987. See you