The steam traction engine shown on Page 28 in the Iron- Men
Album of Jan.-Feb. 1962, and owned by Mr. Les Holloway, is made by
Geo. White & Sons Co., Ltd., London, Ontario, Canada.
I have two pictures of that make of traction engine of the year
1914. Two different models of that year, what I call the early
The early model 1914, 20-24hp has, a tapered smoke stack, while
the later 1914 model, 25-30hp, has a funnel type smoke stack, like
the smoke stack shown in Jan-Feb., 1962.
The front wheel on the two models are ordinary spoke type, flat
spokes, where front wheel spoking on Page 28 is different, like the
rear wheel spoking. The rear wheel spoking is the same on all three
The engine frame on the later 1914 model is a little different
on the early 1914 model, also on the later 1914, but the double
brace that holds up the engine frame and the little box that looks
square and is perhaps the oiler on the top of cylinder toward the
smokestack is all the same as shown on the steam engine on page
All three pictures show the I beam frame under fire-box,
including the picture on page 28. I do not know the year of the
steam traction engine shown on page 28, but it looks like a new
model after the year of 1914, as the front wheels are made
differently than on the 1914 models.
The water tank on the later 1914 model goes clear across the
back end and the coal box is on the right side on top of one end of
the water tank and the name of the company that made the steam
traction engine is printed across the back end on the water tank;
Geo. White & Sons, Co., Ltd., London, Ontario, Canada.
The later 1914 model has also a little square tank ahead of the
left rear wheel.
J. SCHULTZ, Pentwater, Michigan
We had a number of other letters and notes on the above subject.
We here quote from them……….
George McGinnis, Vanessa, Ont., Canada – he says a Geo. White,
and ‘A rugged engine, in great demand in Western
Frank Hanson, 15 N. Patterson Rd., Olympia, Washington. He says
a Geo. White and invites us to the Fair.
Andrew Beal, 354 West St., Simcox, Ont. Canada. White engine 9?
x 11. They built only a few of this type engine for the west. I
think they were heavier than they should have been.
William Harris, Des Lacs, N. Dak. It is a Geo. White that I am
sure of.
Emil Martzahn, Greene, Iowa. A Geo. White made in London,
Lew. F. Larmer, Regina, Sask., Canada. The engine has the
‘ear marks’ of a Sawyer Massey, single cylinder, rear
Stephen Knoblock, Jordan, N. Y. It is a 1914 Geo . White &
Sons Co. Ltd., London, Ontario, Canada. 20-24 H.P.