Harry J. Pearce writes. . . . . . . .
A while back someone wrote you about the steam engine at Furnace
Creek in Death Valley. The story goes that there were several of
them bought to haul Borax from Death Valley. Well it seems proper
engineers were scarce and one blew up so the rest of the population
was scared of them. One was sold to an outfit at Nelson, Nev. for
to Nelson where it stayed until not too many years ago. A motel
owner then bought it and it is now on display at Jean, Nevada. The
water tank is gone from it and from pictures that I have seen of
these engines they look like this might be the make of them. These
engines were double cylinders and it sure was a long way to the top
of the smoke stack.
In West Yellowstone I saw a Reeves Engine with a motel sign on
it and it had wide rear wheels. From what I could see in the hand
hold plates the boiler looked good. The gears all looked good but I
couldn’t find anyone who could tell me any thing about it. I
guess that was be cause it was so early in the morning.
I saw quite a collection of old threshers in Arlington, Ohio. I
asked a boy if I could look around and he said I would have to ask
Homer but I couldn’t find him so I left. Homer had a fire going
in an Advance and the boy was watching it.
Harry J. Pearce, R. D. 4 Elkton, Md.
Dee Paul West writes . . . . . . .
Here is a picture of an old Stationary Engine that was striped
down years ago and there is no name or date left on it. I dug it
out of a creek where it was put years ago and have cleaned and
painted it.. There were no wheels on it so I got three off of an
old horse manure spreader and they seem to fit very well. Could you
find out for me what make it was and about how old it is? I am
trying to find some parts for it such as a flywheel or smoke stack
or any other parts that would fit it.
I know that it is not a Case; from a picture I have seen, it
does look like a Cooper but hardly think it is as the Cooper
doesn’t have the row of rivets around the center of the
Here are the measurements as near as I can give them. The boiler
is about 6 ft. 6 in. long outside, the fire box is 22 inches wide,
28 inches long, up and dov:n, and is 34 inches deep from outside
into the boiler. It has 17-3 inch flues and 1-4 inch flue in the
center at the bottom.
Dee Paul West, 119 First St. Monroe City, Mo.
Can any of you veteran steam men help Mr. West? He’ll be
glad to hear from you!
William G. Glassco writes . …..
I am sending along two views of a free lance locomotive I have
built. Perhaps some of your readers will be interested. The one
photo was taken during construction as you can see while the other
shows her under steam with my son Gray, as engineer.
The locomotive was built to 1 to foot scale 7′ track gauge.
Cylinders are 2 3/8Diam. by 3′ stroke and drivers 6′ Diam.
The boiler is made from steel 9′ diam. with 16-1′ Diam.
William G. Glassco, R. R. 3, Chatham, Ontario, Canada