632 No. Mission Rd., Los Angeles, California
Just received the IRON-MEN ALBUM. Read every word of it. The
articles picturing and describing the Holt tractors couldn’t
have been better chosen. Articles like that which give such
intimate and personal glimpses into the history and background of
steam tractors, are intensely interesting, as well as being
The reports from the various reunions are very enjoyable and I
appreciate the inclusion of pictures on the Prony brake tests. I
hope you will make them available whenever possible.
The pages dedicated to Model-Making are especially appreciated.
Only last week I had written requesting information in a detailed
letter. I think I must have received the answer in the ALBUM about
the same time you received my request. I can’t ask any better
response than that. In the table of dimensions for the Robinson
tractor I missed seeing any figures for the diameters of the rear
and front wheels. I regard these as important as any other
dimensions. Hope to see similar articles on all the engines that
can be similarly discussed. My preference for a Model would be a 40
hp. Reeves cross compound or two cylinder simple; Gaar-Scott 40 hp
double tandem compound; or an Avery 40 hp. two cylinder under
mounted. The Holt and Best tractors are also fine types to model.
In one of my books, reference is made to a double tandem compound
engine and tractor made by the Port Huron Company. I have never
seen one and I hope you will be able to secure some information
pertaining to that particular engine sometime in the future. The
Port Huron and the Gaar-Scott are the only ones to have used this
particular type of engine. This was one of the finest developments
from an engineering standpoint for traction engines. Another fine
contribution to your magazine was the one describing the Arnold
Valve Gear by Vic Winter mantel. Many types of valve gear and valve
motions were experimented with and used by the different makers of
tractors. Some were good and ingenious as well.
The pictures of rare and unusual old engines help to make the
ALBUM what it is and reflects deep and genuine interest. The Canton
Monitor, for example, and the Kitten also. Everything considered
the ALBUM gives me the most real reading pleasure of anything that
I know of.
In conclusion, let me suggest again the listing of wheel
diameters and widths along with the various other dimensions on the
Model Builders Page. Let me say also that if catalog reprints can
be available, I will buy any and all of them. I prize and cherish
any and all information relating and pertaining to steam tractors.
My best wishes for the success of the ALBUM and all concerned