Paul F. Crow, R.D.1, Box 470, Charleroi, Pennsylvania 15022
writes: ‘Please inform Anna Mae concerning her Lost in the
Files pages in the May-June issue, that I am laying claim to the
engine numbered 5-M69. It is my 50 Case, being displayed at South
Park, Allegheny County during the County Fair of J 957. Picture was
taken on a Sunday when it was not fired. I believe it was the first
later years at the fair, but we were there first.’
And from Wm. 11. Schwiebert, Route 1, Hamler, Ohio 4.3524 we
get: ‘In regards to your March-April 1969 issue, Lost in the
Files photos 7-R69 is of my 25-75 Up. Russell engine. This photo
was taken in 1920 on the Chris Schwiebert Farm, Henry County, Ohio
when we were sawing logs. The engine was new in 1918 and was a good
Another letter from Wm. S. Morgan-field, 402 F. Second St.,
Winner, South Dakota 57580 tells us: ‘In your Lost Files’
photos of the IMA May-June 1969 magazine on page 37 down near the
lower right hand corner you show a photo with no number. This photo
1 sent you 5 or 6 years ago. It shows a 30 Hp. Avery undermounted
engine pulling anew John Deere plow. The tags are still on the
levers. This outfit was plowing here in South Dakota and picture
was taken in 1912. I have a large collection of engines working in
the old days.’
Odus Burggraf, Route 2 Caledonia, Ohio 43314 writes us: ‘The
May June Issue, Page 37, the Poor Girl (Oh My) j M69-first, I call
your attention to the mules on the tank wagon. That is Jack and
Jennie. I have ridden both of those mules many times, but never
separately. They would not go alone. If one was ridden, it could
not be out of the sight of the other.
‘Secondly, that engine is a Leader 16 Hp. The hay baler is
an Ann Arbor Columbia 1 7 x 22 size. The man with his foot up on
the bale is my Uncle Roily Burggraf, owner of the mules. The man on
the baler with the fork handle is my father, Harley Burggraf. The
boy with his foot on the baler is my Uncle Frank Williams. The man
clear to the left, just in the picture is my Uncle Rohlan Williams.
The other three men, I don’t know. The picture was taken about
1910. My father was a wholesale hay shipper and this baler rig ran
year around, except for about three weeks between the old and new
hay seasons. The place is near Marion, Ohio, Marion County, Morrow
County, Crawford County. Those days these roads were not paved and
those mules pulled on a tackle block rope many times. I was
surprised to see this picture in the Album and I remember sending
it in many years ago.’
And a fourth letter from J. W. Chandler, 54 North Taylor St.,
Frankfort, Indiana 46041. ‘Here I am again! You called me Frank
in your column but my name is still James or Jim as some call me.
(Sorry about that-I surely did-I guess I got his name mixed with
the town or something. That’s what happens to these expectant
grandmothers. I’m expecting a new grandchild-overdue!-Jim had
sent in a letter the last issue and I wrote about it in Lost In The
Files. Thanks for correcting me Frank-err Jim). The photo 2M69 was
also sent in by me. This is part of the engines lined up in the
late 1930’s belonging to Fred H. Paul, custom thresher.
They are as follows: 20 Hp. Russell, No. 17041; 24 Hp.
Port-Huron, No. 7719; 20 Hp. M. Rumely; 22 Hp. Advance; 25 Hp.
Russell, late 16000’s number and 20 Hp. Russell, late
16000’s and a 22 Hp. Advance-barely visible. Have angle shot of
same line-up. Fred still lives at Frankfort though his shop, at
that time, was at Hillisburg, Indiana, 12 miles east of Frankfort,
And last but not least is a letter from Abram E. Johnson, R.D.2
Steurrys Road, Marion, New York 14505 who says: ‘I just spent
four days last weekend (this was in March with Elmer Egbert of
Buckeye Steam Threshermen, Amsterdam Road, Route I, Botkins, Ohio
45306 and he showed me his March-April 1969 Album. The picture
2-R69 is his 65 Case, No. 33047 and the 12 Hp. Frick in the
background. The 65 is in mint condition and carries 175 lbs. steam
pressures. This engine was used in his shows threshing, plowing and
saw-milling. The picture 9-R69 is his 12 Hp. Frick with Elmer
standing by just after he finished refluing it. The Frick is also
in mint condition.’
Thanks again to you kind folks for sending in these letters. I
never really thought there would be that many answers already. One
thing it surely tells us you are looking at the pictures. That
makes us happy!