We hope you all noticed the center page in the Mar.-Apr. issue
of I.M.A. and also noted that each picture has a number – this is
in case any of them are identified – and if you write me I’ll
put the information in the next issue. I really never dreamed that
I’d hear right away but we already have one letter from James
N. Chandler of 54 Taylor St., Frankford, Indiana 46041.
Frank writes: ‘To the poor girl on page 30 of March-April
issue, No. 3-R69 was sent in by me in about 1950. It is my
grandfather and grandmother, William and Barbara Gochran Chandler
of Switzerland County, Indiana in about 1908. The outfit is an 8 x
12 Russell and a new Jeffrey lime pulverize manufactured at
Columbia, Ohio. The other people in the background hardly visible
are my father and Uncle Charles and Elmer Chandler.
‘No. 6-R69 was also sent in by me. It was an interesting
view of a 16 HP Gaar-Scott taken at the Walt Eagle-hoff farm just
north of Beard, Indiana, Clinton County. This was of interest to me
because it was the last (old style) Gaar-Scott I ever saw working
-about 1936 or 1937.’
Well, thanks for writing in right away Frank and if any of you
other good folks can identify the pictures, I’ll be glad to
hear from you. The ‘poor girl’ as Frank called her is an
attempt of my artistic abilities – they aren’t so good but I
think you get the message. If you like this page, please let us
know – we aim to please.
And another letter from Del Sueser of Route 3, Leavenworth,
Kansas 66048 in which he writes: ‘Anna Mae, you ask about the
picture page (meaning lost in the Files) and I think that is a
great idea. You will no doubt get some material to go with the
pictures now. Also, wasn’t that a nice picture of Mr. and Mrs.
Hollis Cortelyou in your column? It is wonderful to have had people
like them before us to leave us a wealth of knowledge and
A third letter from W. E. Dearing of Suite 101, 10 Edmonton
Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada tells us that the picture on
page 31 numbered 10-R69 shows a Sawyer-Massey about 30 HP tandem
compound, camel back boiler, side mounted, about 1909, steamer
working somewhere on the western prairie, likely Saskatchewan.
Thanks to all you good friends for answering so soon.