Secretary, 208 E. Church St., Urbana, Ohio
Perhaps, I had better start this report by saying that the Miami
Valley Steam Threshers have had a very busy time during the past
few months. This all came about by voting for a change in location
at our membership meeting on January 12th and also indecision as to
our show dates which was accomplished recently.
The 1964 show is to be held at the Champaign County Fair Grounds
at Urbana, Ohio and the dates will be July 10, 11th and 12th. We
will have much more parking space, larger rest rooms, plenty of
utility connections and a large amphitheatre from which to view
parades and other activities on the half mile track. The grounds
also afford plenty of shade. We plan some fine displays, new and
different equipment and promise every courtesy will be extended for
your pleasure and comfort.
Former officers were re-elected for the 1964 season, i.e. George
Edinger, Urbana, president; Chester L, King, Springfield,
vice-president; L. H. Little, Urbana, secretary; Ernest L. Wilkins,
Cable, treasurer; and Robert E. Price, Logansport, Indiana,
Chaplain. Two members were also added to our official board; Lyle
Hoff-master, Worthington and Lee Gaeke, Bucyrus.
It would be amiss not to commend the faithful individuals and
other groups who worked so hard to make the steam show a success
during the six years the reunions were held at Goshen Memorial Park
in Mechanics-burg. Since the new grounds are only ten miles from
that city we hope that we will continue to have their support;
quite a number have already pledged to help.